WWE与GFW! 塞斯·罗林斯(Seth Rollins)和迪安·安布罗斯(Dean Ambrose)的后台热! | WrestleTalk新闻2017年7月

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  1. She would actually be a bitch and tell her ex about it.She wanted to make a big scene out of it.I don't think it would bother Kurt all that much anyway even if she did.He told her to take a hike not Kurt's son.Besides Kurt could ask Stroman any day of the week for an autograph for his kid.She was being a drama queen .Kurt's likely better off not being married to her anymore anyway.

  2. Wonder Braun!!! LOL!

    I swear, that will be used eventually in WWE. If you don't believe me, just look at some of the corny angels they did with Big Show and Kane. It's like they cannot help but destroy characters.

  3. I don't think the storyline is botched. It did feel weird, but it can be played off as Dean being overexcited and not realizing what he was doing, returning cold towards Rollins after he had calmed down

  4. I bet shes lying ab which kid its for kurt coulda asked him her bitchy self thinks shes so empowered yea wow congrats you own a company whos deep in debt and owens 100,000's to millions to stars and or former stars

  5. The hug wasn't much honestly and can be easily fixed. Seth went for the hug, not Dean. Dean can say that he was just in the moment after the victory. It's not a big deal.

  6. the Shield needs more members or different members to keep it fresh and around for longer than their first run. not necessarily like nWo but like DX. people would cheer em upon return so they'd probably be booked as a face faction. get a big name to debut from RoH or NJPW, tweak Emma's gimmick or a Nia Jax title run, and ya only really need 2/3 of the original Shield. although, heel Shield would be more fitting, especially if they make the 3rd member not who everyone thinks it'll be.

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