贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)的失败测试计划; 特朗普威胁要禁止TikTok:近距离观察

塞思仔细研究了特朗普政府取消了一项全国性的测试计划,因为他们想将民主党的冠状病毒大流行归咎于民主党。 与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)合作的《深夜》正在支持City Harvest,以帮助在COVID-19大流行期间需要帮助的人们。 City Harvest是纽约市最大的粮食救援组织,致力于通过每年挽救6600万磅食物并将其免费提供给五个行政区的数百个食品储藏室,汤室和其他社区合作伙伴,来消除整个社区的饥饿状况。 单击上方/下方的按钮进行捐赠或访问https://www.cityharvest.org/。 与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)的深夜。 现在在孔雀上直播:https://bit.ly/3erP2gX订阅深夜:http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth在NBC上与Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c一起观看深夜。 与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)一起获得更多深夜:http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/社交晚间关注在Twitter上关注深夜:https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth喜欢深夜在Facebook上:https://www.facebook.com/LateNightSeth跟随“深夜” Instagram:http://instagram.com/LateNightSeth在Tumblr上的“深夜”:http://latenightseth.tumblr.com/与YouTube上的Seth Meyers的“深夜”收录名人名人嘉宾,令人难忘的喜剧和热门独白笑话。 像NBC一样获得更多NBC:http://Facebook.com/NBC关注NBC:http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr:http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ YouTube:http://www.youtube。 com / nbc NBC Instagram:http://instagram.com/nbctv贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)的失败测试计划; 特朗普威胁要禁止TikTok:近距离观看-与Seth Meyers的深夜https://youtu.be/gVp14rIUKFk与Seth Meyers的深夜http://www.youtube.com/user/latenightseth。

  1. Trump must have bought to much Hydroxcoloizine. So bad bout stocks he can't profit on! Another Bankruptcy for Erick to report. So show us your Taxes! That what we deserve! Another broken promise why??

  2. What a slob Sensenbrenner(whatever)is.He looks like a drunk boss from a '70's TV show.Spiderman's janitor or something.

  3. OMG!!! Drumpf told the TRUTH there, "we'll be doing MANY things." Oh you KNOW THAT'S true, SO MANY things not EVEN RELATED to "tik tok"…things…you really don't want to know.

  4. Donald is quite likely the most worthless sack of flesh on the planet, bar none. A vegetable in a coma has more use to society than this idiot!

  5. Donald Trump is just ignoring the pandemic .. which IS insane!! He does not care Americans are dying by the thousands daily. He figures everyone dying is poor anyway so why should he care? Well I'm waiting to hear someone he actually does care about gets covid and gets really sick. Might have to be Donald J himself gets sick before he cares and then it will be TOO LATE

  6. the tiktok ban definitely dosent have anything to do with the fact that it's mainly used for social organizing against him and the fact that we're the ones responsible for his rally tickets getting reserved

  7. What's with late night shows fellating TikTok so hard? It's a Chinese spyware social virus masquerading as a social media platform (that, by its nature, has a massive pedophilia problem) and should be banned throughout the western world for various security reasons. It has nothing to do with any of your supposed freedoms you don't even have in the first place. Jesus Christ.

  8. the one thing he is doing right but for wrong reasons and you guys must trash him. you forgot or maybe neverheard about tiktoks company and history

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