人们为何对TikTok,USPS,Microsoft,Jake Paul,Addison Rae以及更多内容感到迷恋…

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  1. If you normally skip over TIA check it out today. Going to test putting quick happy stories in there instead of just clips. Also hi. Hope youre well. I took a nap this weekend. It was amazing. 🙂

  2. Did you know you can drop off your mail ballot at a polling place? Just request a vote by mail ballot (not a week before- NOW, you can request it now) and during early voting or day of stop by a polling place to drop it off. To find more info google your county’s supervisor of elections.

  3. How can an app be banned? Is he going to order phone carriers to delete it off the millions of phones it's already on?
    I'm really asking. If you have more info on this, please comment.
    I get it will no longer be available to download and ads can't be placed on there. But in theory, wouldn't the app still work on the phones its already on?

  4. I don't understand how Trump can use mail in voting and then turn around and say that everybody else should NOT use mail in voting. Make up your mind is it a bad thing or not? If it is so bad why are you using it then?!

  5. If only Toupeé Fiasco had this level of fervor with Covid-19… To the point, his “border” control in blocking foreign nationals during the onset of the outbreak out of Wuhan, but still allowing domestic travelers to return with potentially compromised systems followed with the consistent downplaying of the seriousness going forward… but here comes a platform that trolled his Tulsa rally and have been harping his “yuge” baby handed efforts and NOW there’s fire to his baby feet..? It’s very telling how phone calls and money moves by “donors” can shift policy into overdrive.

  6. You know what banning foreign owned apps and companies reminds me of? What the so-hated Chinese government does with American media. For an administration that seems to hate anything remotely Chinese, they're acting a lot like China.

  7. Microsoft…Xbox…hmmm pretty large platform.. Tiktok the new Russia in the election tampering scandal pt 2… you can't write this shit

  8. Not only does TikTok get your information. They control what you see. They can shadow ban anti communist views or promote others .

  9. The telling people about TikTok and Microsoft is spot on. When I heard they were selling to Microsoft I was like, what's that solve. Not only do they run on Microsoft but between China and Russia I'd say they make up more than half of the exploits that are found. They are at a constant war to break it down. Not necessarily to find exploits but to ensure WE aren't spying on them and in the process they counter attack. They have a lot to lose and a lot to gain.

  10. This might be ignorant, but I don't really care if the chinese gov't is doing data mining and shit. Every fucking gov't has BEEN doing that shit. It's not new lmao who fuckin cares. If you're not gonna keep the same energy every time it's meaningless so..

  11. On one hand Peter Navarro complains that Microsoft helped China build it's great firewall then on the other hand he supports an executive branch censorship of access to TicTok.

  12. Oh my actual god… He's banning TikTok because it's not a US app, why not ban everything then. Phones? Ha, some of those are made in China. U.S company, yes, but we also know that phones have GPS already in them. Who's to say they can't access it themselves. Many of our tech is made in China. This doesn't mean they can't hide lines of code in the software to gain access to our personal info. Point being, I do understand the concern but our info is already out there because of companies like Microsoft selling it/using it. I don't use TikTok but I hate when someone makes a claim without any proof or ground to stand on.

  13. tik tok was literally caught logging all keystrokes on people's phones, which would mean they have access to phone passwords, bank passwords, and a bunch of other sensitive information. To be fair they aren't alone when it comes to apps that overstep their boundaries and basically spy on their users. All people should wake up and demand legislation to help protect people's privacy online.

  14. Phil would you ever have your team post IGTV vids of each story from your daily show? It would make sharing your pieces so much easier. Ex: I wanted to share the post office story on my instagram story, but I'd have to screen record the whole thing and post it as an IGTV vid to get the whole thing up.

  15. You're missing the point of The tik Tock ban no I do not support the ban but you got to think of how the Chinese government acts they don't buy data they just requested and if they don't give it to China China will shut them down

  16. That’s right, anyone who does not share your same Covid fears is simply an asshole. Agree with the masses or get swallowed up by the Brave New World. This is the most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen.

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