加快Final Cut Pro X速度的8种方法(还有2种方法不能!)

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  1. Cool video. I'm on board with all of this already. I wish I have seen this video 3 years ago, when I had to work it all out the hard way. On thing that did surprise me was the mention od SSD not impacting the process efficiency. I my own experience putting all my footage on one SSD and having all of the cache on another has helped immensely. Especially with scrolling through 10bit h.265 files

  2. Really good guide. Keep up the good work! As a Vision Supervisor, I do have to make one small observation though. You mentioned a Vector Scope. This is in fact a waveform monitor. You use a waveform to set your luminance (Exposure) and black levels (Lift) with a waveform. Vector scope you use for Colour saturation and matching. You also use a Vector Scope to make sure that black is black. With a live camera, you would cap the lens and adjust red and blue so that the “dot” in the middle of the vector is centralised. Never adjust green! You need a chroma reference point in terms of noise.

  3. Great tips my friend will make editing my landscape photography video’s easier. Was also just about to pull the plug on a 2TB SSD but now reconsidering. Cheers

  4. My mind was blown when I saw the green screen text ☺️. I like to think I have a pretty good eye… but I had no clue that was a green screen background!! Is there a tutorial on this!?

  5. Can you do a comparison between ssd storage, internal storage, and thunderbolt 3 storage(2000MBps+) for fcpx project and if it makes a difference?

  6. You are a hurricane of fresh air (probably straight down the side of Glen Coe), but seriously thank you for producing excellent, informative, witty and non-nerdy advice on FCPX.

  7. What is also helps is to free up RAM before you start editing. You can do it with a special soft like CleanMyMac or others, or at least by restarting your mac

  8. Ah, I was wondering what the first word on the shirt was in the last video, and recognised it was probably the same mountain as in your intro clip. But, what I didn't realise was that it's Buachaille Etive Mòr, which I'll be seeing for the first time in a couple of weeks, on my first real Skye & Scotland trip. Looking forward to seeing that in the flesh, as it were. I'll say 'hi' to it for you.

  9. My understanding with optimizing media is that it decompresses clips resulting in far larger clips but at roughly equivalent quality to original media and even though the clips are bigger since they’re in an Apple optimized codec it’s far easier for FCPX to crunch thru footage than in some original media codecs

  10. The optimized media helps with smooth scrubbing- if you have a H2.65 clip that doesn’t play back smooth, convert it to Pro res and it will scrub smoothly. Great tips!

  11. As a FCPX beginner, the organization of files, libraries etc is very confusing. One library per video, or one library for all videos for instance? All media stored in the same location as the library or not? Appreciate there probably isn't one perfect workflow, but would be interested in yours. Thanks

  12. Amazing as usual!

    do you plan to do a comparison video between mavic 2 pro and Evo 2? and for people who don't own drones yet, is it better to wait for mavic 3 pro first?

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