
TikTok禁令:人们在说什么…我们向特朗普总统和美国解释有关中国应用TikTok发生的史诗般的战争,您需要了解的所有信息-从强制买断到立即禁止,以及如何所有这些都是从美国TikTok用户数据盗窃案开始的。 在此处观看Colin和Samir的视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JrPkteJVS4 ==??嘿! 你是新来的吗? re我们是乔纳森(Jonathan)和内森(Nathan),兄弟和纪实电影制片人致力于帮助您积累财富,并研究现代企业家和有影响力人士如何成功地建立自己的财富。 该视频应该可以使您对到目前为止的旅程有个很好的了解:https://youtu.be/DFwvtUy8KhQ?Methodbox社交媒体?我们每天在哪里发布:https://www.instagram.com/methodbox到达我们的最佳地点: https://www.twitter.com/methodboxyt?Methodbox播客?YouTube:http://bit.ly/2L7gUh0 Spotify:https://spoti.fi/2UHl9iO Apple播客:https://apple.co/2voJW0O Google播放:http://bit.ly/2DtUtMP订书机:http://bit.ly/2UX9MrT?Methodbox Film Gear?索尼A6500-https://amzn.to/3cllT5Y Sigma 30mm F / 1.4-https:// amzn .to / 3cjaWSk Sigma 16mm F / 1.4-https://amzn.to/3gzqxke索尼18-105mm F / 4-https://amzn.to/3gJOCVN Deity V-Mic D3 Pro-https://amzn.to / 2TRY3sa Rode VideoMic Pro +-https://amzn.to/3eFFsI1 Deity Connect Wireless Lavs-https://amzn.to/36MvkKH Godox SL-60W-https://amzn.to/2TTtthX Aputure Light Dome II-https: //amzn.to/3di03l7 DJI Mavic Air Drone-https://amzn.to/2TQ7dW8 Sennheiser E835-https://amzn.to/36LLKDd LyxPro Desktop Mic Stand-https://amzn.to/2XMJXtg Tascam DR -10X记录仪-https://amzn.to/2XipzRH Zoom H4N记录仪-https://amzn.to/2zOwf0W ANDYCINE A6 Plus显示器-https://amzn.to/3eD4sj5 SMALLRIG笼式a6500-https:// amzn .to / 3exyTag Boling BL-P1手提灯-https://amzn.to/2TUVB49 YONGNUO YN360 III LED灯-https://amzn.to/3gDxy3t Joby GorillaPod 5K w / Ball Head-https://amzn.to / 3cfWL0E SwitchPod-https://amzn.to/3eE8YOh Seagate 8TB外置硬盘-https://amzn.to/2AkPBLl Samsung T5便携式SSD-https://amzn.to/3djtJyu?有关完整的齿轮列表,请访问:https ://MethodboxLA.com/GEAR⚠️描述中使用的某些链接是会员链接,这意味着,如果您单击其中一个产品链接,我们将为您收取小额佣金,而您无需支付任何额外费用。 ?想要所有YouTube视频上的免版税音乐吗? 单击我们的大使链接,开始免费的30天流行病声音试用:http://share.epidemicsound.com/methodbox?业务咨询电子邮件:[email protected]

  1. Really well done lads! getting slicker by the day! Hopefully, we'll be able to travel again next year and I'll see you in LA! From where even the ducks find it too wet Ireland! ☘️☮️?????☮️☘️

  2. I think it’s interesting how political this has become. People have used TikTok to trump President Trump, ordering tickets to his rally and potentially causing lower attendance numbers by then not showing up. Now he wants to ban it? ?

    Not saying the privacy concerns aren’t there but apps are supposedly scrutinized by Apple to ensure certain requirements are met. If Apple is allowing this data to be shared with TikTok what about other apps even American apps. With what our own government does to its citizens especially POC why do we trust them more? Not a conspirator theorist I just think something stinks in this deal, it feels more like Trump extorting China. Hell he even asked for a payout to the treasury department now. ? Great video guys, thanks.

  3. TikTok has the unique chance to surpass what companies like Microsoft started: open sourcing parts of their programs and platforms. Although improbable, it could sweep away allegations and privacy concerns since one can see what the app actually does (to a certain degree). I doubt most of the creators would care if it's open or closed source and it may even impact TikTok's popularity positively. Anyway, thanks for another great video!

  4. Damn. What a rollercoaster ride. I personally don't think TikTok is going anywhere– there will definitely need to be some pivoting involved (which they are doing already as you both covered), but yeah TikTok is here to stay imo. If not TikTok as we've come to know it, there will at least be an iteration of it that survives. Very well done, y'all ?

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