我如何在Davinci Resolve中加快工作流程

使用Tourbox加快视频编辑和照片润饰的工作速度⬇️More更多信息More此处的Tourbox:https://bit.ly/32LqQnB可获得10美元的折扣,使用优惠券代码TB20072001YTTA➡在此处下载我的Tourbox预设以供解析:https://tomantosfilms.com/downloads/此处提供Tourbox预设:https:// www .tourboxtech.com / en / presets.html我的电影制作工具包➡https://kit.co/TomAntos独家教程➡https://tomantosfilms.com/store/我推荐的齿轮Gear https://www.amazon.com / shop / tomantos购买我的教程和LUT支持我的工作work https://tomantosfilms.com/store/捐赠! https://www.paypal.me/TomAntosFilms签署我的新闻➡➡https://tomantosfilms.com/newsletter-sign-up/我的网站➡https://tomantosfilms.com/免费获得30天的无限音效以及http://share.epidemicsound.com/tomantos上的音乐我也使用Artlist http://bit.ly/AntosArtlist中的音乐注册即可免费获得2个月的音乐! ————————————————– ——————————–请记住,在电影制作中没有问题,只是缺乏解决方案! 在我上关注:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/tom_antos/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TomAntosFilms Twitter:https://twitter.com/TomAntos我叫汤姆·安托斯(Tom Antos)。 我是电影导演和摄影师,在视觉特效和动画领域拥有20多年的经验。 ————————————————– ————————————————– —-免责声明:我的某些链接带有会员代码,使我无需支付任何额外费用即可赚取少量佣金。 谢谢! 该视频中表达的观点不受任何外部个人或公司的影响或支付。 我使用和测试许多发送给我或自己购买的产品。 最后,我只谈论我觉得有趣的产品。 。

  1. Thanks for making this video! I watched it yesterday, ordered the Tourbox on Amazon, received it today, and started playing with it. Thanks also for creating and making available your customizable list – I imported it and tailored it to how I use Resolve. Much appreciated! This little device should save a bit of time and a sore right-hand index finger from all the button clicking necessary.

  2. Nice vid. Question: do you have hollyland mars 300 pro? And would you recommend for focus pulling? I think it has same latency as mars 400

  3. I really think your demo really demonstrates how valuable this tool can be. I used a gaming mouse with a bunch of presets but as you pointed out it is confusing because the buttons are so similar.

  4. Price is about right much better than that other thing that cost 3 times as much. I will consider this for sure thanks Tom for your informative review.

  5. You can literally do all of that with a Logitech mouse. I even use a Logitech Wireless Pro mouse because the polling rate helps and I can do everything that you showed on the Tour Box with it.

  6. Great! Thank you! I've been looking at this for a while now trying to see how to incorporate into Resolve. Also, know anything about getting the Loupdeck to work. Would love a good comparison if so? I miss our chats! Seems so much has changed since last we did the video chat thing with patrons. edit: presets for resolve not on the tourbox website. Can you provide a private link?

  7. I've been using my Tourbox everyday since I got it, I backed it on Kickstarter. I've tried similar products and sold them all. This is perfect

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