TikTok用户对特朗普关于禁止在美国使用该应用程序的承诺做出反应 NBC晚间新闻

特朗普总统告诉记者,他希望在美国禁止TikTok,因为这家社交媒体应用面临着安全方面的审查。 该公司表示,随着有关禁令如何运作的疑问日益增加,他们“没有计划去任何地方”。 »订阅NBC新闻:http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC»观看更多NBC视频:http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC新闻数字是一个创新而强大的新闻品牌的集合,这些新闻品牌提供引人入胜,多样化和引人入胜的新闻故事。 NBC News Digital具有NBCNews.com,MSNBC.com,TODAY.com,Nightly News,Meet the Press,Dateline以及这些属性的现有应用程序和数字扩展。 我们提供最出色的突发新闻,实时视频报道,原创新闻以及您最喜欢的NBC新闻节目的片段。 与NBC新闻在线联系! NBC新闻应用程序:https://smart.link/5d0cd9df61b80最新新闻警报:https://link.nbcnews.com/join/5cj/breaking-news-signup?cid=sm_npd_nn_yt_bn-clip_190621访问NBCNews.Com:http:/ /nbcnews.to/ReadNBC在Facebook上查找NBC新闻:http://nbcnews.to/LikeNBC在Twitter上关注NBC新闻:http://nbcnews.to/FollowNBC在Instagram上关注NBC新闻:http://nbcnews.to/ InstaNBC。

  1. Please boycott Chinese apps and things,they are dangerous, INDIA has already banned them…i love My INDIA..

  2. I Don"t hear anyone talking about Trump's wanting revenge on TicTok for its members filing non-attendance to his Tulsa rally. Could this be more of a vengeful act from Trump?

  3. Trade war is just not the way to. What happens if China started lobbying for American businesses in China to sell to be sold to Chinese business men. The effect of burning TikTok or forcing it to be sold to Microsoft will hurt the U.S.A. more.

  4. China is led by a repressive Communist dictatorship that is locking up uighur muslims to reprogram them. They are actively repressing democracy in Hong Kong and trying to subvert democracy in Taiwan. The CCP and Chinese interests are corrupting weak democracies to gain resources such as fish that are healthy staple foods driving up the price of fish to the poorest people on earth. They act without empathy as if the most racist of people on earth. Do not give CCP access to your data as any Chinese company legally has to supply it's data on request to the CCP. Boycott made in China!

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