
Tiktok现在是全球最大的社交媒体平台之一。 但是,它的16亿用户中几乎所有用户都从未阅读过其条款和条件,而他们未能阅读的内容可能是巨大的个人和国际安全威胁。 当印度禁止几乎所有中国拥有的社交媒体平台时,其他西方国家是否应该考虑禁止TikTok? _________________________________________________________________千禧年邮寄:Twitter:https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/thepostmillennial/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ThePostMillennial/ _________________________________________________________________

  1. I want to tread carefully on this subject as 'Banning' is the tool of the enemy, what should happen is bringing TikTok to account for all the privacy violations (I'm thinking multiple class action suits) perhaps forcing them to follow western law, constant tax/regulation investigations. I want TikTok to decide to quit, so we don't ask the Gub'ment to ban something for us.

  2. Lot of no brainers in the comment section, maybe they should actually listen, you know instead of just watching, kind of like you do on TikTok, was it the young girls dancing that distracted you?

  3. I don’t think it should be banned but I think more people should be educated on what they’re doing. I don’t trust it, so I choose to simply watch the funny videos, but I definitely will not be downloading it onto my iPhone or iPad devices. I’m sure it’s fun to make a couple tiktok videos … yet begs the question —> what are you really giving by allowing a foreign company to access your digital device?

  4. USA is a joke. When the gov is incompetent with its own country cannot control disease or save ppl live. they do this disgraceful things to brainwash the ppl. USA thinks they are so right, why not block google and facebook which also collect crazy amoubt of data and for the selfish usa gov. Why USA does free Dubai which has the.least human right? Cuz they get money from.dubai? UK is just the.dog following around USA. U are pathetic. Do.you even have a degree look at your content

  5. Why ask a question when you have already predetermined? Why didn't you think maybe the China govt will use it to analyze how Canada's Caucasian will treat the black and natives.

  6. There is already a public mental health crisis in the west that is due in no small part to social media. This App only exacerbates it.

  7. for the past few years, youtube as an American platform has used its influence as a social media platform to target and racialized Chinese and the CCP. Should youtube be banned?

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