TikTok在美国被禁止吗? (真相揭晓)

在本视频中,我将介绍TikTok是否在美国实际上受到禁止。 免费课程:https://tiktokcourses.teachable.com/p/basic-personalized-account-check1221要加入私人TikTok参与小组,请接受我的建议,加入我的加速器计划或得到我的指导,请单击此处→https:// tiktokcourses.teachable.com/?utm_source=besthashtags在此处收听播客:https://anchor.fm/robert-benjamin0发短信给我:+1(646)859-1941要了解有关在TikTok上获取视图或在TikTok上进行开发的更多信息。通常,请查看此播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ5rear2U0MRKObqZ5PUfUYvJA8h1prIE另外,请在TikTok和IG上关注我:Instagram:@_ Robertbenjamin TikTok:@_ Robertbenjamin。

  1. 4:00 honestly i dont know how you dont have more followers dude, instantly made me go to 1000 followers in a day by somewhat applying your tips, thank you so much @thomas.sunalp if you want to check me out :3 (started off at 30 btw)

  2. Dude you are the best person I have ever seen I hope you shoot for the stars and fuck the haters because they are assholes I love ya man have have a great day!!!!

  3. Me a couple minutes before watching this video: freaking out and crying because TikTok may get banned
    Me after watching it: Y'know what- That actually makes a lot of sense… gets way less worried about it being deleted
    Thank you for the support, now I'm not mentally freaking out at 3 am because I'm scared ??

  4. I don't personally get tiktok, but if this got banned, I think my friend would cry.
    She loves it, she always wants to do tiktok. I only once did one.

  5. If this is true, i am happy cuz there are no longer goign to be cringe dance and girls chasing after me and my friends doign tik tok dances i cant wait for charli damelio to become less popular.
    sigh its so annoying.

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