确认了Summerslam的巨大比赛! GFW英国巡回赛宣布-WTTV新闻

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  1. "Are you excited for the match between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? Who do you think should win"?

    I am super excited for the Take/Lesnar match! As for who should win, I think it's got to be Undertaker. WWE can't have Undertaker loses two matches in a row to Lesnar.

  2. Even though I hate the thought of another Undertaker match, I'm hoping Lesnar will win and injure him again, that way Undertaker might take the hint and retire.

  3. I think john cena vs the undertaker at wm 32 be much more better since cena the only main star to not face undertaker at wm also lets see stone cold v brock at 32 since it os in texas great chance for one more match

  4. I really really REALLY want Taker to go over at SS and hopefully he'll be healthy when the match is over. I have no desire to see Taker and Lesnar at WM I'm still clinging to hope of Sting vs Taker at WM with that being both of their last matches.

  5. The Miz is not really injured. Big Show dropped an elbow from the top rope. They needed to sell the seriousness of such a move. Believe it or not, I think WWE is on the way to getting good again by doing little things like this and the big brawl between Lesnar and Taker. It had that Attitude era feel to it and I hope WWE keeps it up.

  6. Lesnar should win at summer slam since Takers reputation isn't really about summer slam and Taker should win at wrestle mania by dominating in the match to kind of redeem his defeated wrestle mania streak by beating the one who beat it

  7. maby it this me but I don't relly see taker is the heel while lesnar is obviously not heel either I don't think taker is he came off to me in the segment he did as still being some what face but as having A issue with another face character.

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