
Covid-19疫苗可能需要很长时间。 一些科学家提出了一个有争议的计划,可以使我们更快地完成一项计划。 成为视频实验室会员! http://bit.ly/video-lab每天都有成千上万的人死于Covid-19,疫苗被认为安全有效的越早越好。 但是疫苗开发是一个漫长的过程,不容易匆忙完成,部分原因是测试任何疫苗的最后一步:III期试验。 第三阶段需要成千上万的志愿者,每人都接受安慰剂或实验疫苗。 问题出在下一部分:疫苗开发人员必须等到统计上数量庞大的疫苗开发人员才能正常生活,最终受到自然感染。 这可能需要数年。 为了加快速度,一些流行病学家和科学家呼吁进行一项称为“人类挑战试验”的试验,在该试验中,已接种疫苗的受试者被故意感染。 这不是一个新概念; 人类挑战试验已被用来开发疫苗或治疗多种疾病的疫苗,例如霍乱,伤寒,疟疾,流感和普通感冒病毒。 但是,使Covid-19与这些疾病区分开来的原因是,目前没有有效的治疗方法。 因为它太新了,所以我们也没有完全意识到它对健康的长期影响。 与其他人体挑战试验不同,Covid-19挑战试验将带来严重疾病甚至死亡的风险。 由于存在这些风险,Covid-19挑战性试验仅限于年轻人和健康者,他们受到伤害的风险最低。 但是,伦理学之外还有其他问题。 在实验室环境中人为感染是否可以提供有关如何预防自然感染的有用信息? 仅针对年轻人和健康人群进行的研究是否会产生对所有人都有效的疫苗? 鉴于某些疫苗已经在其III期试验中进行了很长时间,因此人类挑战试验在这一点上是否有好处? 尽管目前尚未计划进行Covid-19人体挑战试验,但来自近150个国家/地区的30,000多人已经表示,如果有机会,他们将自愿参加一项试验。 问题是,我们应该让他们吗? 注意:此文章的标题已更新。 先前的标题:您愿意自愿获得Covid-19吗? 进一步阅读:1DaySooner是基层组织,它招募志愿者进行人类挑战试验的可能性:https://1daysooner.org/有关Vox关于人类挑战研究的更多报道:https://www.vox.com/future-perfect / 2020/5/20/21258725 / covid-19-human-challenge-trials-vaccine-update-sars-cov-2有关疫苗开发的道德和可接受性问题的更多信息:https://medium.com/oxford-大学/具有挑战性的情况-我们需要国际指南-人类感染-研究-688051c869f9有关其他疾病的挑战研究史:https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/05/studies -故意感染人-疾病-导致bug-上升-关于伤寒疫苗的报道,我们在视频中提到:https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/28/health/typhoid-vaccine- trial.html有关牛津大学关于人类挑战试验的声明的报道:https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jul/16/coronavirus-vaccine-oxford-team-volunteers-lab-control -human-challenge-trial Vox.com是一个新闻网站,可帮助您消除噪音并了解引起头条新闻的真正原因。 请访问http://www.vox.com。 观看完整的视频目录:http://goo.gl/IZONyE在Facebook上关注Vox:http://goo.gl/U2g06o或Twitter:http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H。

  1. Access to clear, reliable information has never been more important than today. But great journalism is expensive and ads alone aren’t enough to support it. If you are in a position to do so, please join a community of nearly 20,000 people who believe in the public value of information, and support Vox with a financial contribution. It’s a great way to help keep our journalism, including the video explainers you love, free for all. http://www.vox.com/contribute

  2. Would there be a connection why 60,942,033 babies were aborted in the US since 1973 and the Covid 19 vaccine having aborted baby tissue as one of the ingredients?

  3. You really want to do this, Vox? You're going to alarm all of the anti-vaxers and covid-hoaxers. Even the title of this video is going to seed a lack of confidence in the medical community. Also, testing a larger amount of participants doesn't actually help speed things up because it can't record long-term effects. THIS WOULD NOT WORK.

  4. i mean there ARE covid treatments. death rate is down in a lot of places because of that. we know a lot more about ventilators and such. i say if people are willing to volunteer, go for it

  5. Me and my husband are in our twenties but we both have several underlying health conditions. Bless the people who are willing to take this risk for those of us who can’t. Thank you.

  6. Another problem is that these companies will make lots of profit from these vaccines over the back of the often poor people that took considerable risk participating in the trials.

  7. It was right in front of us! Let's grab all people on death row or life in prison and let them do something good for once in their lives. As much as I don't want to admit it, russia has the right idea when it comes to doing vaccine tests.

  8. I got COVID (asymptomatic) and keep trying to find studies that will take me as a volunteer (obviously not for vaccines due to having antibodies, but i'd love to help out with plasma research or something). You'd think they'd be everywhere, but they're hard to find.

  9. At the end where they talk about how brave these volunteers are I just started crying. Don't know what it is but the idea that someone would take this on means so much to me as someone who wouldn't participate because despite being young, I have asthma. Thanks for reminding of the good people in the world.

  10. I guess it's too unethical to recruit the elderly and the sick for the human challenge trial. Human challenge trial on young, healthy adults is pointless so why even do that? COVID-19 is very unique in that it's only "deadly" to the elderly and the ones with pre-existing conditions so we should focus on those groups…not the young and healthy adults.

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