
在贝鲁特港口发生大规模爆炸后,黎巴嫩国家呼吁应对黎巴嫩所谓的“人道主义危机”,以寻求迅速帮助。 在此处订阅我们的频道:https://cna.asia/youtubesub在Telegram上订阅我们的新闻服务:https://cna.asia/telegram关注我们:CNA:https://cna.asia CNA生活方式:http:/ /www.cnalifestyle.com Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/channelnewsasia Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/channelnewsasia Twitter:https://www.twitter.com/channelnewsasia。

  1. Hatred & furious anger build against Israel- Zionists rapidly, higher than ever across the world. It happens by their own horrendous, notorious, horrifying crimes for so long around the world!! Soon a time arrives that not a single criminal Zionist could run or hide anywhere in this planet!! All of them, one by one, in any status, recognised & exterminated from the face of earth. Very soon their victims who suffered deeply from them & have nothing to lose any more, become united against them & will use various sufesticated methods. They will eradicate these poisonous parasitic Zionists snakes completely from the face of our planet!! Great news is our Glorious & Peaceful life in our beautiful planet earth is closer than ever, without the Zionists monsters !! ?

  2. Why does no one ask why a small country like a grain of peas, needs thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate ????????? It's too big a cargo for one ship!!!

  3. There seems to be some dissatisfaction on the ground in Lebanon with regards to how the government is handling this. My suggestion if you want to assist is to donate directly to NGOs like the Lebanon Red Cross who are doing most of the groundwork.

  4. Exxon Mobil and Shell have caused air pollution, global warming, and health hazard affecting West Coast residents diagnosed with cancer and terminal illness.

    Yet, both refineries employed largely migrant workers and are not creating jobs for SG workers.

    What has SG govt done?
    MP Chan reported Exxon.Mobil will invest a further S$ 10 bil to expand its operation in Singapore.

  5. Be careful!!!

    Exxon Mobil and Shell oil refineries in.Jurong island and Bukom ..

    The impact of similar magnitude of 3.5 similar to explosion in Beirut can happen in West Coast.

  6. The world is coming to end.Mother Mary had three wishes .Every country must love another instead of fighting for power, God had said . Final warning to the world "thou shalt love your enemy"

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