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  1. Stumbled on your page today, and I really like your content!

    I know I'm late to the party on this one, (and I'm also a total noob) but I wanted to ask if you'd recommend using Lazy Load with Nitropack. I have a site that I built with Elementor containing a lot of YouTube videos and I'm trying to find a way to speed it up.

    Take care and stay safe!

  2. I'm using Cloudflare with there Caching, would you still use one of these plugins. I can see LazyLoad having some benefits but not sure about using the others. Great Tutorial, as usual, thanks.

  3. These are all great options. I use Siteground for my hosting, and they have their own SG Optimizer. Do you have any experience/opinions with hosting-specific WP caching plugins like this?

  4. Thanks again for the precious helpful video… My favorite is w3 total cache. I've a question in my mind about lazy load and the question is it is possible to load the entire page into sections just like lazy load plugin do I mean they only load images when the user scroll down I need something similar but not only for images. I mean page loads only that time when user scroll down

  5. You said WP Super Caché doesn't work on all sites. Could you point out some of the reasons why? I think that would be helpful as a pre-caution to someone like me who may need to test it on different sites including client sites…

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