
了解如何加快计算机运行速度-我们揭示了使您的计算机运行速度更快的前五项事实和虚构内容。 病毒,膨胀软件和设置都可能使计算机运行缓慢。 无论您使用的是Windows 10还是PC或笔记本电脑都在不同版本的Windows上运行,如果您的计算机运行缓慢,请按以下步骤进行操作:1)使软件保持最新状态2)无需对硬盘进行碎片整理驱动器3)避免使用免费的PC清洁应用程序4)通过卸载不使用的程序来释放存储空间5)使用固态驱动器(SSD)安装新的内存如果上述方法均不能加快计算机或笔记本电脑的速度可以,您可以从哪个获得一对一的技术支持? 有关更多专家技术帮助和建议,请访问https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/laptops/article/how-to-speed-up-a-slow-computer。 哪个?:http://www.which.co.uk Twitter:https://twitter.com/whichuk Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/whichuk/。

  1. I went to Reset. It asked if I wanted to retain all my files. YES. Then it told me that the following programs would be removed. Like 50 including Google Chrome, HP Printer and a bunch of programs I don't want to reinstall.

  2. what does she mean by programs will be uninstalled when resetting. Like it means that every program or app you've downloaded (Like FL Studio or editing softwares) will be deleted or other certain programs will?

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