GFW谈Jim Cornette的未来

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  1. I'm amazed that all of you are repeating this nonsense without even bothering to listen to his podcast. He said he will be the tv tapings , just not all of the days.

  2. GFW is getting good. I like Cornette influence. The network should be a huge revenue booster as well. Hopefully GFW airs their ppvs on the network so I don't have to constantly buy them. All in all, I am loving the direction impact is heading. Anthem has already confirmed what we all knew and that GFW ia not for sale. Its time to make impact great again!

  3. jim cornette is the only one who is thinly one who is making tna worth watching oh sorry and we sweet allie and rosemary of it wis no fur them impact would suck ??

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