最佳C类房车! 懒惰发呆26.5-1999后厨房!

如果您喜欢此视频,请订阅更多! https://tinyurl.com/JohnDDyer-Youtube经过一个令人难以置信的周末,从Outdoorsy租用了2008 Winnebago Chalet 29T,我们决定继续寻找机会,购买一辆RV,并有可能取代我们的1988 Westfalia露营车。 在网上进行了大量搜索后,我们发现我们真的很喜欢Lazy Daze C类房车的样式,平面图和建造质量。 在我们看来,它们确实是满足我们所有需求和预算的最佳c级房车。 唯一的问题是在加利福尼亚州手工制作的,产量很低(每年约30-200个),很难找到其中的任何一个来查看它们的真实外观。 我们终于在Craigslist上找到了几个小时! 那是1999年的Lazy Daze 26.5后厨房(RK)C级房车,距离这里只有3个半小时! 与房东来回聊天后,我们设定了一个日期,然后沿着路去看看。 查看我们的网站,以获取对Lazy Daze 26.5 RK的完整评论! www.VanBoardBike.com懒惰的发呆主论坛:https://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php一直以来,我深深地感谢我亲爱的妻子在编辑方面的所有帮助,并忍受我挥舞着相机并与之交谈我自己:)我使用的一些工具:https://kit.com/JohnDDyer/get-outside-camera-and-editing-kit主要在我的360相机和gopro上拍摄,并在ipad上使用lumafusion编辑。 通过我的亚马逊链接进行的任何购买,都会获得少量佣金,这将有助于支持该频道,谢谢! 。

  1. Born and raised and currently live 5 miles west of Montclair Where Lazy Daze Is made. I can tell you that they have a almost cult like following. The workmanship and styling are second to none. Good luck with your new adventures

  2. Very nice. I've never heard of, nor saw these before. I like the retro look, the floorplan, and they do look well built. Enjoy it in good health ??

  3. Bought a 2004 LD Rear Kitchen new and loved it for 14 years. We are in the Great Plains and would see only about 3 or 4 all camping season, very rare outside California. The build quality is amazing. They overbuild them. What other brand can you chin yourself on the cabinets? That said, 20 years old and asking $28k (about half of what they bought new) is too much. Look closely at the windows at that age. Were the seams on the roof sealed? Look on the LD forum about “Lake Newton”. We used Eternabond on ours after 7 or 8 years. Around the roof intrusions too. Also expect that the appliances if not yet replaced have exceeded their life expectancy so further expense there. Good luck!

  4. I watched the California and Arizona Craigslist posts (I’m from Iowa) and ultimately found one (a mid bath) in Los Angles. My hubby and a friend flew out and drove it back. Has it been worth the hassle and cost…YES! We love it! ? We do need more LD videos!!

  5. Great video! Wondering if you bought it? I am looking for one as well and am on the east coast. If u did not buy it, wondering if you would pass on seller's info?

  6. Great RV and well built, low stress and not a lot of B.S. slides and gadgets that break. Slide outs are too heavy, don't really add much to camping experience and limit an RV window size. Just look at the LD windows compared to a typical Class C – it's because oft having slide out weight.

  7. Well with the Ebike and since I'm looking for an RV also it was definitely time to subscribe. I'm looking for something bigger and probably diesel but always nice to see what is out there.

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