有关破碎的Hardys问题的更多信息; GFW提出了惊人的要求

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  1. Impact is slowly dying, should stop being greedy spot monkeys agree to a substantial settlement with the hardys essentially selling them the gimmick to use as they see fit before Matt finally says screw it I'll see you in court and ultimately wins the gimmick for far less than he otherwise would have dealing directly with GFW. That being with the kind of PR they've had lately Impact isnt going to last much longer anyway.

  2. No Company should be able to own the rights of an artist's work. You see similar cases in the music world where artist's have to pay Millions to get rights to their songs. Jeff and Matt Hardy are some of if not the Most Artistic Wrestlers in the History of the business. They do their own stories and gimmicks and they trump almost anything the WWE has ever made, with the exception of the 90s and earlier. TNA as a whole is made up of washed out wrestlers trying to make as much money as they can before no one wants to see them anymore, wait does anyone watch TNA? I stopped when the Hardys left. ????

  3. Anthem and TNA just want control of The Hardys just to keep WWE from getting back their ratings.

    I think this whole thing was ridiculous, TNA has no rights to Matt Hardy's gimmick, I just hope that he wins the lawsuit.

  4. I think when it's all said & done Anthem Sports & GFW are dead wrong we all know the broken gimmick is their baby they funded it they provided the location & I think these Schmucks over at Anthem feel like they can keep the company going off the coat tails of the Hardy's

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