Rey Mysterio和GFW谈判结束| 全球部队综述

在本期《全球部队综述》中,我们将讨论Rey Mysterio与全球部队摔跤之间的谈判。 我们还在谈论GFW的Rey Mysterio计划,该计划原本是在Bound for Glory中进行的。 由BQ主持的山上之王播客(King of the Mountain Podcast)每周都会对GFW Impact进行正面但诚实的评论,以及突发新闻,讨论问题,视频博客和访谈。 KOTM Podcast不会给我们带来负面影响,我们为那些厌倦了压倒公司的粉丝们提供了一个社区。 您值得拥有像您一样热爱全球力量冲击摔跤的播客! 您值得拥有的播客,将以积极的态度报道全球部队摔跤,而无需BS! 我们正努力成为YouTube上排名第一的全球力量摔角播客。 享受大量GFW内容,请立即订阅! 请在YouTube上订阅有关积极的全球部队摔跤的相关内容:官方网站:每个星期天都更新,其中包含影响力摔跤的评论(包括登录博客和邮件列表)https://www.kotmpodcast.site在Twitter上关注BQ:在Facebook上加入“尊重我的猫头鹰”小组:像在Facebook上的KOTM播客听BQ的访谈与GFW淘汰赛西耶娜(Senenna):收听BQ对GFW淘汰赛同伴的采访:在Pobean上订阅:在Apple播客上订阅:在Stitcher上收听: KOTM Podcast Pro摔角三通店:推荐播放列表:“ GFW Impact Reviews” https:// —-之前曾有报道称,杰夫·贾瑞特(Jeff Jarrett)对阵阿尔贝托·埃尔·帕特隆(Alberto El Patron)参与了《荣耀归来》的计划。 根据《摔角观察家通讯》的报道,这场比赛原本是在TripleMania上以一定角度进行的,然后将在Impact播出。 但是Alberto不在TripleMania,因为他自己关于AAA的问题尚未解决。 这场争执本来是贾里特对阿尔贝托的嘲笑,试图在阿尔贝托的悬架周围建立一个角度,他怪罪于贾里特将他悬架。 这本来可以成为在Bound for Glory中宣布的比赛的,这是一个转弯,Rey Mysterio介入让Jarrett面对Patron。 由于GFW和Mysterio之间的谈判不再进行并且被认为已经死掉,因此失败了。 。

  1. Remember that a lot of girls, even if they are pretty, have very low self-esteem. Girls over-analyze way more than guys, and can take even the smallest thing in a bad way. If you are shy, just remember that any girl will be flattered just by you showing interest.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 2
    Flirt with her a little bit. If you feel like flirting is not your strongest point, don't sweat it. Just make sure she at least has a chance to realize that you might be interested in her before you ask her out. It is a big thing to have someone ask you out, but if you have no idea they like you it is even more of a surprise. Even paying special attention and talking to her more can introduce the idea to her. A lot of girls are really shy and they sometimes will never tell you if they like you. So sometimes, you have to be the one to approach them.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 3
    Find a good time and place to ask her out. Over the phone is good, but avoid e-mail or text messaging, which are too impersonal. Casual is the best way to go. Saying, "Hey, want to do something later?" is far better than detailing what you have carefully planned out.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 4
    Be confident. Unless the girl avoids you, she probably doesn't mind you, even if she doesn't outright like you. Girls are taught in society to be nice. If she says something like, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I was going out with friends that night," don't be put off. Ask only once again. If she gives another excuse, ask if she can make it another time; if she can't, she isn't interested.
    Even if you are not confident, act like you are. Girls love suave guys. Don't whip out a, "Hey Sexy, I'd love to get dinner with you this Friday," but be confident in yourself. Nervous guys aren't cool. If you are nervous and think it is a good idea (you are the best judge of the situation), tell her that you're a little bit nervous.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 5
    Avoid having a friend with you. It almost always makes her nervous. A lot of girls will think you're pretty cool for being able to speak to them in private, by yourself.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 6
    Avoid having her friends there. It will make you nervous. Get her by herself. Enlist your friends to distract her group, or find out a time when she is alone.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 7
    Just do it! That's all you have to do. Just jump into it. If you like a girl and she may like you back just ask her. If you hesitate you may never build up enough confidence again. You'll never know if you don't try.
    Image titled Ask a Lady Out If You're Shy Step 8
    Avoid heavy compliments. It is okay to say you're nervous, but don't say anything too strong, like, "I'm so nervous because no girl so pretty has gone out with me before. It will make her feel weird. Coming on too strong on the first date is a big no-no. Even if she likes you, she'll feel slightly freaked out.
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    What do you need to know? We'll do our best to find the answer.
    Look for hints she may give that she likes you. Like if she twirls her hair, or smiles a lot, sometimes she even gives you 'the eye' you'll know what that look is if she gives it to you, that's all flirting.
    Be mature to show her that you care. Be funny, kind but serious at the same time. When asking, don't come on too strongly. But you could just tell her that you like her.
    You probably want someone who will give you tips and confidence, like another friend, even if they are your opposite gender. Sometimes it's even better to have the opposite gender help you.*If you ask her out and she doesn't like you, then you never had a chance to begin with. That's why you should find out a little about her, maybe start just trying to be friends.
    Make sure you're alone. It's best if you're in a quiet place so no one can suddenly shout at you because it might make you nervous and say something mean about her. Then your relationship would probably be over.
    Tell her yourself. If you have a friend do it for you, you'll seem like a coward. If you just can't get up the confidence to tell her, leave her a note and at least do that yourself.
    Be confident, don't back down and chicken out.
    Do not obsess about one girl, you will probably get depressed if she turns you down.
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    Español: invitar a salir a una dama si eres tímido, Italiano: Chiedere ad una Ragazza di Uscire Se Sei Timido, Русский: пригласить девушку на свидание, если вы стеснительный человек, Português: Chamar uma Mulher para Sair Se Você For Tímido

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  2. Anything is possible, still plenty of time between now and November 5th, stranger things have happened! And as you said, El Patron was off but he still came.

  3. Rey is great, but I never understood putting him up there as a top guy. Yeah he sells merch like crazy, but I think he really peaked in WCW and blew out his knees doing so.

    You can only do the Cinderella story once. They did, and IIRC, didn't WWE crowds start turning on the guy?

    Rey's a known name and a really nice guy, but there are some lines to be drawn when you don't rain money like WWE. Mysterio wants to work the days he wants, for what I'm assuming is not an equal ratio to pay demanded and that's it. Get me some Dragon Azteca Jr.

  4. I really like Rey Mysterio don't get me wrong his work with undergrounds pretty good although GFW needs to build up their young stars more and focus on them rather than bringing in someone like Rey Mysterio for the meantime. So the product can stay strong for years to come because Rey Mysterio has only a certain time window before he has to retire.

  5. From what I heard, it's another rumor from Meltzer. We already know the dude is so full of shit, he believes he smells good from it all. Dude's a proven liar, time and time again, so this rumor will be taken with a grain of salt, and I'll wait for Ed or Dutch to speak on the matter should they feel like doing so.

  6. You gotta spend money to make money GFW……. sucks he won't come. Ratings are in decline cause Alberto is not on tv. Alberto and Rey would bring viewership up to at least 350000

  7. He would have been a draw for the company I felt like he wanted to go toward the most ?. But other amazing guys could bring in what we wanted from Rey like dragons Aztec jr

  8. Meh I wasn't in favor of him coming in anyway his knees are completely shot and he just can't go like he used to, he'd likely want to be pushed to the top of the card over more deserving homegrown talent , and frankly he'd be just faaaaaaar to expensive IMHO

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