
https://www.rashanasoundessences.com签署我的Daily Love Notes,然后进入“图书”页面以通过亚马逊购买我的图书。 要预订会议,请查看我的服务。 我提供频道,轻语言和自由发布技术课程。 每个都有自己的强大功能。 。

  1. Very interesting here. My cat usually does not like it if I touch him for too long (I am an Animal Reiki Practitioner and he does not usually accept energy). While I was listening, he was lying beside me and allowed me to keep my hand on him the entire time. At one point, I removed my hand so that I could use both to reach above and pull down the energy through my body and then was holding my hands over my third eye. During that time, Buddy actually reached up and “asked” me to put my hand back on him. I kept it there as I listened to your other video, and then re-listened to this one. He got up and drank water, as I will now do, obviously to help with the release of the stagnant energies. It was great to see him desire this intimacy. Thank you for these two very special messages. ❤️??❤️??

  2. Thank you for the beauty of your soul and for the blessing of your channeling and light language. It has resonated and is being manifested here in the UK and I am so grateful to have been guided to you. Love to all.

  3. I just heard your light language most recent YouTube video. I'm surprised two people commented they saw it as political. I had to go back and play it again because I didn't see anything political about it. You are clear. With such grace and finesse you accepted these comments, but in my opinion they were unfounded. We are being led to dismantle systems that are no longer working, and they haven't been working for a long time. This is what needs to happen. This is not political. This is the truth. I don't find it divisive in any way. You are a sovereign being and your beautiful soul was so touched…that is your compass. I am proud of you. Don't hold back. Yes, it's true the Patriarchy has been terribly destructive. You have nothing to apologize for. I love you

  4. A lovely video. However, from my perspective, there was a divisive political message contained in the video which was not inclusive nor conducive to unifying a variety of political perspectives. Would it not facilitate the frequencies of the video being played more frequently, if the video just contained the light language, and not the political message? Of course, its up to you, its just that would it not be preferable for those not of that political perspective to not be excluded nor put off by it? That way, wouldn't there be more people playing it overall and thus more benefit to the people of earth?

  5. Thankyou so much for both videos. ? So relieved, grateful, excited. Will listen often & share around. ??? Blessings to you from Australia ??

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