
✅不要错过-https://www.nextleveleditingexpert.com在今天的视频中,我将向您确切演示如何采取第一步使用After Effects更快,更高效地工作。 一切始于正确设置After Effects。 因为,如果您不这样做,那将浪费大量时间,而事实是您不必浪费时间,如果您观看此视频……?时间戳?1.优化文件-2:35 2.自动保存-6:06 3.内存-7:30 4.媒体和磁盘缓存-8:24 5.(免费)插件-9:34 6.自定义工作场所-12:52 7.结构-13:44 8.快捷方式- 15:39 9.缩小项目-16:14 10.收集文件-17:07 11.颜色编码-17:52 12.流程图-18:19 13.预览分辨率-18:58?插件?FX控制台-http://bit.ly/2TmkZhJ?动画编辑器-http://bit.ly/AnimationComposer☄️CreatorGalaxy商店-http://bit.ly/creatorgalaxy?加入社区-http://bit.ly/ ignaceyt✅免费获取入门-http://bit.ly/2SeoNAy?让我们谈谈Discord-https://discord.gg/evsmXzf #aftereffects #filmmaking #tutorial☁️️我最喜欢的音频库(30天免费!)- http://bit.ly/Epicc?我最喜欢的视频库https://bit.ly/artgridvideo?My Bro Lavito的免费节拍-http://bit.ly/1tfTfh7?在Instagram上关注我-http: //bit.ly/2IZu0LH?或Twitter-https://twitter.com/GoCreatorGalaxy?Facebook-http://bit.ly/2qWxFSO⭐️联系人[email protected]?我的装备-https:// kit。 co / IgnaceAleya?AdobeStore-https://adobe.ly/2OxhWmg Every每个星期六都有一个史诗视频! ?受欢迎的播放列表:-Adobe After Effects教程http://bit.ly/2dxxoil-Adobe Premiere Pro教程http://bit.ly/2cYW252-硬件评论http://bit.ly/2dxwO4q?请务必保留评论并查看我的频道! 我还有很多视频。 ?主持人和创建者-Ignace Aleya。

  1. H.264 is NOT an editing codec. It uses interframe coding method to reduce file size, so to calculate a single frame during your editing, your computer has to also calculate adjacent frames, and if you work with a lot of effects and adjustments, it all piles up and slows your workflow. Use intraframe codecs (like ProRes) for editing and export in H.264 (if you need).

  2. Appreciate the vid bro! Why does AE recommend that you choose a SSD seperate from your footage with the media cache files, and is it safe to choose your operating drive instead? eg. C drive

  3. For the first tip you can also use Proxy function! The program automatically downscale the footage and use it for the preview, then when you have finished the work, the program will export it in full resolution ??

  4. I was looking for Advance level video editing course for a long time but i never found anywhere even i didn't found a single tutorial on YouTube. Thank you very much Ignace for starting this course. I am very excited to learn everything ??

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