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#gtaonlinethediamondcasinoheist #rdmchallenge#gta5online视频中的朋友:SamT1705:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplytJ1NVVVYOZ9YfcbpncQ Jovan56678:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5VQnhmLRRN5b50D9XST6ow xEdy youtube.com/channel/UCnuyJfNB_8KkmbzKyKmwo1Q Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/randomweirdthings248/加入我们的Discord:https://discord.gg/UjT5r5q(+13)我们的Discord适用于任何想与Discord见面的人,或与其他抢劫玩家进行友好聊天(Discord的当前主持人)SamT1705:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplytJ1NVVVYOZ9YfcbpncQ Batty_Stacks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-xKhJhO8mqyIAeDMERvn5Q? Jovan56678:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5VQnhmLRRN5b50D9XST6ow Chriss:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqK0hAwPTEGiPTSEhlwvJYg加入我们的团队:https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/heistmatess248/wall船员是为了帮助彼此抢劫。

  1. #RDMChallenge

    "you got bamboozled"
    (Day 4 Trying to get this challenged picked)
    Big con
    no optional preps
    hacker: level 9
    gunman: level 10
    driver: level 7
    buy decoy and clean vehicle
    exit main door (if) you can but if you cant go the north helipad)
    no heli and no sewer
    kill 3 person each
    do not take the getaway cars use a NPC car and then use the clean vehicle
    Target: Gold
    High level buyer
    do not get spotted you need to be undetected

    Have fun and i hope you pick this challenge
    Good luck!#RDMChallenge

  2. I have a video idea red dead2 challange approach aggressive Use the revolvers hacker any driver any get 16000 as final take hope you like it

  3. New challenge : Sns all preps do whatever you want to do
    But you can't do stealth mode you can only run and everytime a guard dies you have to be less sneaky

  4. We don’t need much

    Silent and Sneaky.
    Gunman: worst
    Driver: worst
    Hacker: worst
    Low lever buyer
    Grab one full cart and then lower the money to $1 and not lose it.
    Good luck!

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