快速释放的双头连接器可以使您的过滤器维护更快,更轻松。 特别是在使用不具有内置快速发布功能的Lilypipes时。 在只有Eheim双击快速释放连接器可用之前,但现在JBL还没有发布它们的版本,我已经收到了用于测试和审查的软件包。 JBL双旋塞阀+快速接头(名称为断舌器)看上去与Eheim Quick Release Double Tap几乎相同。 深色和浅灰色相似。 JBL设计与其过滤器匹配。 总体而言,我必须说,Eheim快速连接器在您的手中感觉更好,其形状更光滑。 当Eheim丝锥在相同方向上关闭时,JBL在不同侧面使用相反方向,这是一项安全功能,有助于避免意外打开阀门。 两种产品都不会降低流量,因为内径等于管道的内径。 JBL双旋塞阀+快速接头有2种尺寸可供选择JBL 12 / 16mm 11,95€JBL 16 / 22mm 16,76€-https://rebrand.ly/jbl-connector-12/16和16/22单位可以相互连接,并允许更改快速连接器内管道的直径,使其成为3合1解决方案。 在Eheim一侧,连接器的范围更广:Eheim 9 / 12mm 13,92€Eheim 12 / 16mm 14,54€Eheim 16 / 22mm 26,32€Eheim 19 / 27mm 46,47€-https:// rebrand。 ly / Eheim连接器*-9/12和12/16单元可以互连,并可以更改快速连接器中的管子直径,使其成为3合1解决方案。 -不幸的是,Eheim的12/16和16/22无法互连。 总而言之,JBL的价格和将12/16与16/22互连的可能性击败了Eheim,这是最常见的过滤器软管直径。 12 / 16mm适用于13mm百合管,而16 / 22mm适用于17mm百合管。 利用将两种尺寸互连的可能性,可以在大型罐式过滤器上使用较小尺寸的流出物。 较小的Lily Pipe不仅看起来更好,而且创建速度更快。 当水的升/小时量保持不变时,水以较高的速度离开百合管,从而导致水族箱内部流量不同。 ADA SuperJet过滤器使用相同的技术。 由于上述原因,所有ADA SuperJet过滤器的流出尺寸都较小。 干杯Jurijs ps:在社交媒体上关注我☞Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/juri_js/☞Facebook:http://fb.me/j.jurijs并在此处获取您的Mosscotton SWAG☞https:// www .mosscotton.com / jurijs *►该视频得到了Oase?LIVING WATER的骄傲支持。 这就是Oase所代表的。 在德国制造的高级水族馆和池塘设备☞https://rebrand.ly/oase Epidemic Sound?最适合YouTube创作者的音乐☞http://share.epidemicsound.com/s7Ptt * * =会员链接,我将获得一点佣金无需为您支付任何费用。 这将允许我为您创建更多视频。 谢谢您的支持! 。

  1. What’s up man, I will be getting two of them as I’m going to use the bio master which you know is 17mm and and I got 13mm glassware so they are smaller. I am hoping it will work out with flow and all. I’ll let you know!

  2. One more tip. Because conectors are same put one upside down then you want mix in and out tubes. I see that on both connectors you have nuts on lower tubes.

  3. Hi, I see the fish aren't the one's to have a good place to call home. Nice house you like in. Who did the decore? I'm new to external filters, as i just purchased the Eheim classic 2213 250 canister filter..as it was on sale. So I have a few questions. Q1- Do those connectors ever leak from time to time? Q2- I'm new to canister filters as I just purchased the Eheim 2213 250 classic on sale. I have carpet on my floor, so what would happen if I have a blackout in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping?..would the water back up or drain tank an flood floor?

  4. I'm new to external filter usage and since I installed mine, always wondered how to take them apart without brake a lily pipe! Now I know!! Thanks for another pro tip!!

  5. I don't like the fact that you promote jbl one instead of eheim. Eheim connectors are on the market for so long and satisfied all aquarist around the world. Jbl just copy 'em.
    I have no problem with partners or sponsors but you can promote a product without criticize another.


  6. Hey jurijs, thanks for the pro-tip by the way, always nice to watch. Just one question as i am not using those quick connectors yet. I was always afraid they might reduce the flow. Can you confirm my worries or is there no recognizable influence?

  7. Hi Juri, genius, the best ideas are always the simplest. I certainly know where a couple of those can go ?. Quick question, are the fish shop's open in your area on Monday's, my list is growing.
    Your home tanks are looking very nice indeed. ?

  8. Finally the quality of big company in affordable price.
    I liked the connector advantage to upgrade or downgrade hose’s diameter.
    Nice review Jurijs?

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