全球力量摔跤的凯文·沙利文(Kevin Sullivan)向体育画报开炮 GFW假新闻

GFW的媒体专家Kevin Sullivan回应了《体育画报》有关全球力量摔跤的“不确定未来”的报道。 我们是在处理更多的假新闻,还是真相在中间? 由BQ主持的山王播客(King of the Mountain Podcast)每周都会对GFW Impact进行正面但诚实的评论,以及突发新闻,讨论问题,视频博客和访谈。 KOTM Podcast不会带来负面影响,我们为那些厌倦了那些压倒公司的粉丝们提供了一个社区。 您值得拥有像您一样热爱全球力量冲击摔跤的播客! 您值得拥有的播客,将以积极的态度报道全球部队摔跤,而无需BS! 我们正努力成为YouTube上排名第一的全球力量摔角播客。 享受大量GFW内容,请立即订阅! 请在YouTube上订阅有关积极的全球部队摔跤的相关内容:https://goo.gl/Y74GWS官方网站:每个星期天都更新,其中包含影响力摔跤的评论(包括登录博客和邮件列表)https://www.kotmpodcast.site在Twitter上关注BQ:https://goo.gl/E265eB在Facebook上加入“尊重我的猫头鹰”小组:https://goo.gl/4jWrMY在Facebook上喜欢KOTM播客https://goo.gl/RmkTTQ听BQ的访谈与GFW淘汰赛西耶娜(Senenna):https://goo.gl/5PAJYu收听BQ对GFW淘汰赛同伴的采访:https://goo.gl/8neEeN在Pobean上订阅:https://goo.gl/tjQC4w在Apple播客上订阅: https://goo.gl/FU5xXe在Stitcher上收听:https://goo.gl/Ugvaoi KOTM Podcast Pro摔跤三通店:https://goo.gl/LRJRF7推荐播放列表:“ GFW Impact Reviews” https:// goo.gl/BhtDNf。

  1. The truth always lies somewhere in the middle.  Let me say this, it is always a smart business practice to carry on business as usual, & deny any sale, even if there is a true intent to sell the company.  This has always been a common business practice……the employees are always the last to know of a sale.

  2. Dave Meltzer is one guy I don't believe that guy bashes Impact every time. But people jumped the gun so fast, Impact has had worse times last year with Dixie so I don't see company going out of business anytime soon!!!

  3. You hit the issue right on the head BQ. I will never understand why these wrestling sites, journalist and even youtubers do this (aside from getting clicks). They see these rumors and think the term is a fancy word for "fact" and decide to treat it as such. So they go off to report the terrible news about TNA/GFW and how this is clearly the end for the company-all the while doing a happy little dance about GFW's misfortunes. Then the news break that the rumors are in fact false and rather than the make a retraction or state an apology on social media, these sites either ignore the whole situation or blame TNA/GFW for whatever reason they can come up with. This is why I don't check these sites or follow these so called journalist because they can't seem to do their jobs right.

  4. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, I think JJ has a substance problem that I think he was told by the Anthem bigwigs to straighten up or else that's my opinion. But I don't think Anthem is selling but I think that eventually they should move the offices to Toronto to be closer to the Fight Network offices. But I guess we'll see.

  5. Well whatever the actual truth is the main fact is that even though it may be negativity mostly there are a lot of people that are talking about GFW. Rather it's positive or negative I believe people talking about GFW is a good thing for the company because it's more publicity for them but I wish more people will talk about GFW for the positive things that they are doing.

  6. People love to dump on this company. I hope they reach the level they were at and eventually be competition forc WWE. WWE is not the only place to be a big time wrestling company. We need both companies. Well if you a true wrestling fan you would agree.

  7. Pwinsider apologized for the error so I respect them for that but I'm sick of these stories coming out bashing this company. It's unreal how these jerkoffs spend so much energy hating on a promotion and wishing for its demise. It's so sickening

  8. Good for kevin sullivan, gfw needs someone to do this. At the end of the day si is looking out for themselves and they want to make money like all big news outlets. Have wrestling fans never heard of fake news, seriously.

  9. I hate to admit it, but I'm one of those gullible suckers who gets depressed when I hear fake news like this. That said, it puzzles me that GFW is the punching bag of wrestling promotions by other wrestling fans.

  10. If anything I am more and more worried about JJ himself rather than the company. The only rumour that I…well find at least interesting is, that Anthem apparently thinks about relocating to Canada. Now that is interesting because the product simply is way stronger outside the U.S. and other than that I would assume that the visa issues of athletes can be solved that way. Also it puts GFW closer to the mother ship which would make the machine more efficient

  11. I've been saying to various people on wrestling pages in Facebook that it amazes me that all these people believe a random fluff piece that had no follow up or sources cited but everyone believed it which is sad but not only believed it but then added on to the lie

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