谢尔顿·本杰明大肆宣传摔角王国9直播! 在他的“新日本职业摔角”新闻发布会和粉丝见面会后不久,他从东京巨蛋体育馆转播。 。

  1. GFW and NJPW promos for this event is better than ANY of WWE's recent promos of the last year or so for PPV's including WM and this show will be better because Hall of Famer, the legendary Good 'Ol JR Jim Ross is on commentary and he is simply the best, oh and its not about ridiculous storylines that no1 gives a fuck about like WWE….this is my first ever NJPW PPV and I have no doubts that I won't be disappointed….but my question is where do I watch this, and how much is the cost?

  2. Shelton Benjamin is the greatest black athlete in pro wrestling today,vince didn't give him a push because he don't see much talent in black athletes,other than mark henry of course but let's look how long that took

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