天气如何影响互联网速度? 降雨对磁场和电场的影响#UPSC

天气如何影响互联网速度? 降雨对磁场和电场的影响#UPSC互联网速度,下载速度,上传速度,天气是否会影响互联网,天气会影响wifi,天气如何,为什么我的互联网速度慢单击此处https:// bit。 ly / 2wJs0SV下载我们的Android应用程序即可访问1000多种智能课程,涵盖印度几乎所有竞争性考试的长度和广度。 UPSC / CSE-这是我们的旗舰课程和最畅销课程。 该课程涵盖了UPSC庞大课程的长度和广度,由印度各地的Elite&Very最好的教职人员与StudyIQ Trust共同制作。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV,观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等SSC和Bank-这是我们研究计划(StudyIQ)创始人制作的最古老的课程。 到目前为止,已有1000多个视频,并且每周都会添加新视频。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等。UPSC Optionals-我们涵盖了几乎所有主要的UPSC Optionals。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等州考试PSC-当前涵盖18个州,更多内容,请选择您的州。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV来观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等国防考试-CDS,NDA,CAPF,SSB,AFCAT,空军。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV,以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等SSC JE考试-土木,机械,电气,电子。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等RBI B级-B级是IAS之后最受欢迎的工作。 本课程由经验丰富的学习智商学院制作。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV,以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等NTA NET-开始准备UGC(NTA)NET著名考试。 我们有针对论文1和2的课程。下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等。UPSC Prelim Test Series 2020-我们针对UPSC Prelims的旗舰测试系列。 2018-19年成功率超过55-60%。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV,以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等DMRC考试-德里地铁技术和非技术考试的课程。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV观看演示视频,课程内容,作者,其他保险考试-LIC,NICL和其他保险考试。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV来观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等法律考试-查找本科和司法考试的课程。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV,以观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等铁路工作-今年将有1.5多个Lac工作。 与我们开始为技术或非技术职位做准备。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV来观看演示视频,课程内容,作者以及其他教学工作-CTET,DSSSB。 下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV观看演示视频,课程内容,作者等NABARD A级-下载应用程序https://bit.ly/2wJs0SV观看演示视频,课程内容,作者,等等有疑问吗? 单击此处http://bit.ly/2qWhdOI开始与我们的销售团队即时聊天,或者您可以致电95-8004-8004下载POKET NEWS应用程序-Instagram上的http://bit.ly/2J3IxV3 STUDYIQ-http:// bit.ly/2K0uXEH STUDYIQ [OFFICIAL] 电报-https://t.me/Studyiqeducation UPSCIQ杂志(适用于认真的UPSC追求者)-http://bit.ly/2DH1ZWq UPSC干线答案写作练习-http://bit.ly/2IB9L发给Bank IQ杂志-http: //bit.ly/2QxyNmJ每日时事-http://bit.ly/2t68FG1下载所有视频PDF-https://goo.gl/X8UMwF每月时事-http://bit.ly/2GtcCuP主题为时事事务-http://bit.ly/2VHxiZw免费PDF-https://goo.gl/cJufZc免费测验-https://goo.gl/wCxZsy免费视频课程-https://goo.gl/jtMKP9“关注我们在Facebook上-https://goo.gl/iAhPDJ电报-https://t.me/Studyiqeducation印度教编辑分析-https://goo.gl/vmvHjG时事Gaurav Garg博士-https:// goo .gl / bqfkXe UPSC / IAS燃烧问题分析-https://goo.gl/2NG7vP UPSC的世界历史-https://goo.gl/J7DLXv印度历史-https://goo.gl/kVwB79 UPSC / IAS的过去论文问题-https://goo.gl/F5gyWH SSC CGL + IBPS定量技巧-https://goo.gl/C6d9n8英语词汇-https:// g oo.gl/G9e04H银行PO + SSC CGL的推理技巧-https://goo.gl/a68WRN错误发现/句子更正https://goo.gl/6RbdjC静态GK完成-https://goo.gl/kB0uAo完成所有考试的GK +时事-https://goo.gl/MKEoLy世界历史-UPSC / IAS-https://goo.gl/kwU9jC为SSC CGL,银行PO https://goo.gl/学习英语适用于UPSC / IAS的MoL2it科学技术-https://goo.gl/Jm4h8j适用于UPSC / IAS的哲学-https://goo.gl/FH9p3n Yojana杂志分析-https://goo.gl/8oK1gy SSC CGL的历史+铁路NTPC-https://goo.gl/7939eV #Watch_Smart_Courses #Download_Our_App。

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  2. Dear Siddhant Agnihotri,

    I am Manoranjan doing my Ph.D. in computational electromagnetics at IISc and Masters in Microwave and Radio Frequency Engineering.

    I follow your videos on YouTube and was watching your video about ‘Internet connection in rain’. The video was quite interesting as well as informative. You also have tried your best to reach all sorts of audiences in a layman sense. I would like to add a few comments here on the video

    1. As you said Maxwell is the godfather of today’s wireless communication, which is absolutely right, but the wireless communication takes place due to displacement current in which electron is not required to carry the signal unlike the case of the conductor. (Which is governed by Ampier not Faraday, Just see, there is no magnetic rotor/actuator to generate H/magnetic field so its electric field responsible for communication)

    2. So, then what is displacement current:

    This current is derived by Maxwell when he modified Ampere's circuital law, as we know when there is a moving(only velocity DC current, accelerated A.C. current) charge there is current. But Maxwell reformulated that (As a great scientist he saw the 4 equations especially those two equations are not symmetric, Faraday's law, and Ampere's law, on which entire communication takes place in the modern world ) and Today what we know, even without moving a charge also we can generate the current. That’s called modified Ampiers circuital law.
    (Poynting theorem to calculate field)
    3. How can we generate that?

    You have nicely explained that light is an EM-wave. So, when we accelerate electron(charge) it produces a magnetic field (As we all know if there is a charge then there is filed, that is a nice explanation you have given on the video, and that field starts from the charge and ends at infinity, explained by a sphere concept on video as well). Also, we know the electric field and magnetic fields are coupled with each other when the frequency is greater than zero. (Proof: As we can see in the case of a charged battery, though static charges are there so there is an electric field present around the battery ‘Gauss Law’)but if you bring a magnet around the battery its behavior doesn’t change.

    If we go for a home supply which is 50Hz, so the coupling will take place in between the electric and magnetic fields. Which we can prove by bringing a magnet around the wire, usually we do in our school experiment. So, the great scientist Heinrich hertz bring that concept of frequency. (Genius)

    In generic “Wireless communication takes place due to the oscillation of the electron at a certain frequency, so due to oscillation field generated and those field travels at certain speed mostly at the speed of light (If there is dielectric is greater than 1 in the medium then speed hampers). When that frequency match to the receiver they communicate with each other”.

    Internet connection in rain:

    This happens because the water particle has a certain size, as I said in wireless communication signal travels in the air but now along with air, there are rain droplets. So, when a signal interacts with 2 different mediums one is air(dielectric constant 1 so you can say rarer medium) and the other is water (dielectric constant is around 80 and gradually decrease with increase in frequency).

    What happens here,

    1.As you have explained in fiber optics communication, if a signal travels in 2 different medium so it can reflect, transmit (for the larger boundary of the interface) scattered (if the wavelength is comparable to the size of boundary or structure, lots of Physics.. and many more physical things happens to the signal…… sorry guys lots of physics)

    2. So, we know if there is no rain then there will be direct communication from your mobile/TV/Internet broadband connection, I mean for all wireless communication. But when it rains signal faces all the above issues so there is path loss, signal distortion, multipath communication, so signal strength reduces drastically depending on the size of raindrops. So, we don’t get proper communication only in wireless communication.

    3.If the communication is wired it will not get affected. (Proof: We see current supply and we know it is a low-frequency signal and wired as well, due to rain it never gets affected, Lets see a high-frequency communication when we have landline even if there is rain it doesn’t impact on communication)

    4. Now you will have questions like dust particles and other things are present in the air. Yes, they do but they are so tiny that only scattering happens that too when we communicate at very high frequency. (If you are staying in the dusty area then there is a high chance that you will experience the wireless communication connectivity problem as well)

  3. आज कल महिलाओं के प्रति बढ़ते अपराध पर आज की webseries और फिल्मों का जैसे मिर्ज़ापुर या altbalaji आदि के प्रभाव पर एक वीडियो बनाए?

  4. सर आपको ऑप्टिकल फाइबर और मोबाइल टॉवर और अच्छे से समझना चाहिए था। आपने फिजिक्स बोहोत अच्छे तरीके से समझाई पर अगर आप ऑप्टिकल फाइबर कैसे कम करता है और मोबाइल टॉवर कैसे काम करता है इनको समझने में अगर आप थोड़ा और वक़्त देते या और डीटेल में समझते या इस हि वीडियो का दूसरा पार्ट लाते तो अच्छा होता। कुइकी इस टॉपिक्स में ऑप्टिकल फाइबर और मोबाइल टॉवर किस तरीके से इक दूसरे के साथ कनेक्ट है, वो कैसे काम करते है ये अगर आप समझते तो और अच्छा होता और ये वीडियो फुल प्रूफ होता।

  5. You diserve to be a professor in some technical university , because your way of teaching is awesome , lectures are very energetic , specially on science topics, lot of respect for you sir .

  6. Sir quantum physics jb bta re the maine to sir pkd liya apna or kha ni ho payega mujhse.. anyway I like to watch this channel for current affairs only but i always enjoy your lecture

  7. Hello, Sir!

    Good evening!

    I hope you and the entire study iq team is doing well in this pandemic. Sir, you and the team are doing wonders through this platform! So inspired that I am re appearing for IFS and started my preparation. ?

    Sir, I kindly request you to make a video on Quantum Physics and it's Concept and Branches.

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