
在这段视频中,伊恩(Ian)向您介绍了使用微波炉帮助加快烹饪速度的五种方法! 您对微波炉有什么想法? 在下面的评论中让我们知道! ————————————————– ————————————————– ————-想煮饭! 食物,更快? 获取我们新的SPEEDY BOSH的副本! 食谱-所有食谱都需要20分钟或更短的烹饪时间! http://hyperurl.co/SpeedyBOSH素食主义者健康食谱:http://smarturl.it/BOSHHEALTHYVEGAN BISH BASH BOSH食谱:http://smarturl.it/BISHBASHBOSH BOSH! 食谱:http://smarturl.it/BOSHCookbook BOSH! 由Henry Firth和Ian Theasby创建,在我们的网站上查找食谱和免费商品,每星期在您的收件箱中获取5条免费食谱http://www.bosh.tv。

  1. I’ve done all these, but popcorn is my fave hack and nooch is what I always put on mine along with pepper! Omg, so good!!! Thanks Ian ♥️?♥️

  2. the rice one CHANGED THE GAME FOR ME!!

    i absolutely LOVE rice, but HATE the process of cooking it, it always sticks and washing up pots is a pain, thank you guys for this :))

    this is why we subscribe ❤

  3. The cauliflower dish looks amazing, I love cauliflower. Can I ask where you got your compostable cling film from, please? I've got loads of the normal one but want to move to that once this has gone.

  4. given one uses microwave safe containers, and their microwave safe lids, and knows how to use a microwave without getting burned: carrots get really good in about 4…5 minutes at 900 Watts and so does broccoli. Make sure to have the lid on while cooking and to mix at about half the time – and be careful not to get burned by steam or any parts of the container or the lid or the carrots or broccoli.

  5. I have for some time been using the microwave to partially cook potatoes before roasting in the oven. Much easier than par-boiling. / Can you cook brown rice in the microwave?

  6. This was super useful. I like cooking potatoes on the microwave and then grill them with a tiny bit of olive oil and they're delicious and not greasy at all. The cauliflower one was very interesting btw!

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