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  1. Very nice setup man. I paid much more for more or less the same thing. I see your video invader showed up. She is so funny. It was great seeing y'all in Mayberry and most likely will be seeing you in TX later this year. Very nice return on speed from both sides. Well done.

  2. Hi guys. Getting up in the air is genius. We had not thought of that. Esme busting up into your video is just a hoot. Thought she was about to take over the video. Never realized that the wire curving would make a difference in the signal. Great tip. It's crazy how much of a jump you have just by using the antenna. Have not heard of Cell Mapper. Another great tip. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. This looks like a great product. I would have to find maybe some type of telescoping pole tp mount to because I would have an issue of carrying that long pole around with us. Thanks for sharing!

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