紧紧,夫人。 我现在将加快速度❤️General的Lady EP 02剪辑

✨完整播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTB73Ibi_X3FWDJmk_n0Dfg9XAMkKmWg4?时间表:周五,周六,周日,周一每天10:00,每天20:00(GMT + 0800)类型:浪漫,喜剧,历史被称为:将军家的小娘子?情节摘要:沉进是王室成员,在奢侈品中长大。 皇帝下令包办婚姻之后,她嫁给了捍卫边界的将军。 尽管她一见钟情就爱上了丈夫丘秀明将军,但发现自己很难融入其中。沉瑾逐渐摆脱了自己那娇惯有礼的态度,成为不可忽视的力量。 她用非常规的方法解决了军队的许多问题,并赢得了他们的信任和尊重。 然而,帝国法院发生了大变动,楚军成为目标。 沉金的父母违背他们的意愿被扣为人质,而沉金收到命令充当皇帝的间谍。 已婚夫妇能否度过难关,找到幸福与和平? ?演员:沉进-唐敏楚秀明-es撒?类似剧目:华厨师(唐敏,杨开成):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTB73Ibi_X3GL-y24OKkHPdflZF3s8f4a Dr. Cutie(孙茜,黄俊杰):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTB73Ibi_X3GDbKCVPo7-qObWsgXcfVx2《云西传奇》(鞠景仪,张哲涵):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTB73Ibi_X3G_qtgUIUD6Qj0IJCY最佳中文电视连续剧频道✨YouTube上最新,最快的ENG SUB! 和我们在一起,您不会失望的! #GeneralsLady #CaesarWu #Chinesedrama。

  1. I love the General’s expression whenever he sees her wit. His expression is en point, just right acting, fierce but warm and gentle. I have watched a lot of “General” themed C-Dramas but this one makes me giddy. I even keep on watching the trailers while watching the next episodes. I just wish that whenever it’s uploaded, there’s a decent English subs already simultaneously with the Chinese one.

  2. I am not very happy with the male lead, but maybe its his role, the "typical" cold-hearted that warm up later. Just being pretty is not enough , lol.

  3. Ahhhh, such a refreshingly great trailer….I see great things for Tang Min in the future….even beyond this series….
    Another awesome series….will watch with wrapped attention.

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