如何加快Cubase中的项目导航与Greg Ondo的问答

了解有关简化项目导航以在Cubase中进行快速工作流的所有操作。 这次,Greg Ondo讲述了Cubase Pro版本中可用的标记轨道,告诉您如何使用循环标记,如何输入标记,键盘快捷键以及您需要了解的所有其他详细信息。 一旦学会了正确使用标记,您将永远不会再想念它们。 希望您觉得这段视频有趣而有用。 如果您喜欢所看到的,请发表评论并告诉我们您的想法。 谢谢。 您的Steinberg YouTube团队请查看Cubase的试用版,并掌握Cubase提供的令人兴奋的功能:https://www.steinberg.net/en/products/steinberg_trial_versions/cubase.html从我们的网站上获取有关Cubase的更多详细信息网站:https://www.steinberg.net/cubase在Steinberg在线商店购买Cubase:https://www.steinberg.net/zh/shop/cubase.html是否需要注册和激活/重新激活方面的帮助通过我们的支持论坛和知识库支持文章,或者只是想阅读最新的支持新闻,您可以在一个地方找到所有信息:https://helpcenter.steinberg.de另外,请确保…喜欢我们的Facebook页面并停留了解见解,新闻,公告和更新,事件和实时流。 在Facebook上关注我们:https://www.facebook.com/steinberg订阅我们专用的Cubase YouTube频道,并通过观看实用的视频教程和其他有趣的功能来学习使用Cubase的诀窍:https://www.youtube.com/古巴在Twitter上,随时随地保持最新消息,更新和特别优惠:https://twitter.com/steinbergmedia在Instagram上关注我们,以全面了解发布活动,贸易展览和其他激动人心的场合:https: //www.instagram.com/steinbergmedia查看我们的SoundCloud配置文件,并收听我们列出的许多演示曲目:https://soundcloud.com/steinbergmedia。

  1. Amazing videos. Best ever about Cubase. Question, how can one jump from one marker to the next one? In Adobe Premiere Pro is soo handy to just use the up and down arrow and as far as I can see there is no way to configure a shortcut to jump ahead or backward from one marker to the next one. Many thanks

  2. Great video! Using Pro 10.5 now. I like the feature where the markers move when making tempo changes. How do I get the arranger track to do the same thing?

  3. All of the technical keyboard business, hidden commands (Ctrl-M" etc) will completely shatter a composer's concentration on the music. The human mind cannot do technical exercises and artistic creation at the same time. Artistic creation must spontaneously come from the "soul" of the artist in a fluid, uninterrupted process at the moment of inspiration. Technical operations come from a book or a tutorial and are, by nature, an interruption to creativity. Imagine at a moment you were inspired musically, desperately trying to remember and record that inspiration and discovering that, in order to complete the recording you have to go look something up or try to find and open a help utility. Does anyone know of a more musician-friendly recording application than Cubase?

  4. Great Video
    .Greg your knowledge of Cubase is really awesome,helps me to get to grips on using Cubase for the first time
    I produce Ambient styles of music.Having markers with text ,is really handing for laying out various parts.
    Hoping once I get settled and find my way round Cubase,I will be using these hand tip and trips in my own work.
    Is there a keyboard shortcut PDF we could download as a reference guide

  5. 10 marker tracks…gosh..why in the world i would need 10 different marker tracks..i really wish that new cubase upgrades have solid useful features…the only version that was an epic upgrade was when i did from 4 to 5…since then is just mehhh and lots of money for clients like me that spent almost a thousand bucks just in cubase upgrades till the new one 9.5…and on top of that some features aren't getting better..is like they are going on the direction of DJ´s software daw..midi is giving me problems and for years was perfect…all of this because of 10 marker tracks…sorry guys but sometimes cubase relation with the developer isnt the best

  6. Greg, it never fails to amaze me on what I do not know about Cubase after all these years. I look forward to your continued excellence and the continuous growth. Thank for these instructions

  7. Thank you, Greg, great tips as usual! I have 2 questions. 1) I like to use the num keypad to navigate to different sections, but if I have more than 9 sections (which I inevitably do), I have to hit 9 and then use ‘N’ to continue. Is there a way to avoid this to instantly get to later markers? I often switch between the beginning and the end of a song but haven’t figured out how to do so easily without using the mouse on the marker panel, or zooming in and out all the time. 2) Related to this, I love using 1 & 2 to navigate to the L & R locators, but is there a way to temporarily free 1 & 2 so they can be used to quickly get to the first two markers? Thanks.

  8. Great video again Greg. If I hear this right, this solves an annoying QOL lacking of Cubase over both Sonar and Logic Pro. I want the song to end, when it ends, not keep playing. So, using play to next marker, I could make active only left and right say as a marker track, and play to the one and only marker after the beginning, very nice.

  9. Great video! I thought I knew everything about the marker track but that tip about double-clicking with the range tool is a super nice time-saving trick! Thanks 😉

  10. Cool tips. I find that most of the time I used to use markers, I actually was better off with the arranger track and navigate by event with N and B (this works with any track events. For temp stuff I used to use a marker but then you have to clean that up. Instead I now use the left and right locators. Command 1 and 2 on numpad to set. 1 and 2 on numpad to navigate. These are so easy to use I now keep the transport setting return to start off. Now the only thing left for markers is like a to do list (fix this here). I used to wonder why Cubase doesn't have a key command for going back and forth a bar. Using my above nav approach, I no longer need those and my hands stay off the mouse more often.

  11. Hi Greg! Great video as always. I'm having a little trouble with drawing in the cycle marker. When I select the draw tool and hold down ctrl and click in the marker track I either get a small toolbox or the context menu depending on if I have "Pop-up toolbox on right click" in Preferences – Editing – Tools on or off. I think the reason for that is that ctrl + left click automatically gets translated into a right click in OS X. How did you turn that off?

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