没时间死去与Netflix,Apple TV和亚马逊进行6亿美元的交易

没有时间死流? 超越预告片的故障! 加上Netflix更新了有史以来十大电影,尼尔森流媒体收视率! http://bit.ly/subscribeBTT今天看什么! 超越预告片主持人格蕾丝·兰道夫(Grace Randolph)的反应和对Apple TV(又名iTunes,Disney Plus和Netflix)前十名的崩溃! 米高梅和芭芭拉·布罗科利(Barbara Broccoli)与流媒体服务Netflix,Apple TV和亚马逊就流媒体《无时无刻》以6亿美元进行了交谈! 那笔交易本来是有道理的,但没有发生! Netflix发行了有史以来十大新电影,以及最新的尼尔森流媒体分级。 加上即将出现的新流媒体电影和电视节目,如宙斯之血,传统工艺和曼达洛人第2季! 分享您自己的反应,并确保今天将YouTube之外的电影和娱乐新闻作为您的第一站! 章节时间没时间死-00:00纽约电影院-10:33十大票房-12:06最受欢迎的Netflix电影-12:28 Nielsen流媒体评级-13:27 iTunes-14:29 Netflix- 14:40迪士尼+-15:35即将到来的一周-16:24与主持人和创作者Grace Randolph互动! Twitter:http://bit.ly/GraceOnTwitter #NoTimeToDie #Netflix #Coronavirus。

  1. I think Devil All the Time didn't do well because of the genre/tone. I would normally watch something with those actors but it looked so bizarre and dark that I was not in the mood to give it a try, given how bleak the state of the world is right now.

  2. Yeesh. I think movies as we know them are truly done. I know people want things to go back to normal but the two things that aren't coming back in a significant way are restaurants and movie theaters. I'm in no hurry to be surrounded by people, I can tell you that.

  3. I’m not sure what it would take to get me to sign up for Apple TV plus. Or go to a movie theater for that matter. Lately I just feel like other things matter more and it’s not even a thought in my mind.

  4. NYC and The Bay Area are the most cautious in the country. Sorry to make this SoCal vs NorCal but SoCal has been doing a terrible job compared to NorCal

  5. why not sell it for 200m each to netflix, prime and apple tv. and m pretty sure no time to die will be top 5 streaming movies in prime and apple tv and top 10 in netflix and thats good deal for everyone getting blockbuster movie for 200m and studio also earchn profit as they get their 600m asking price.

  6. Love how angry grace is at the lack of punctuality in getting the listings out.
    Can almost hear her thinking 'professionalism guys, get your sh''t together! ?

  7. Thank you Grace. Isn't 'The Witcher' a European 'Demon Slayer'?
    Just a thought. There are a few films that NEED a big screen, Bond and Dune, and I'll wait. Greetings from Australia.

  8. how come you arent talking about the record breaking box office numbers demon slayer (kimetsu no yaiba) reached in its first 10 days in japan even with corona virus restrictions. Obviously japan has handled covid much better than us but even there the movie theater industry was in danger of collapsing and leaders in that industry there say this one movie might've saved the industry in japan. I think it's a really interesting story you need to cover next movie math

  9. Grace europe is being hit by the second wave* we were not as bad as the us who continously lived in the first wave which technically is ur 3rd wave

  10. Nope 30 bucks is asking too much. I saw live action mulan and let me tell you that wasn’t worth 30 bucks. As badly as I wanted to support it I only got through a hour, paused it to make dinner and then got distracted with something else and never went back to it. It was one of those instances where the trailer looked more promising than the actual film.

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