
蜘蛛侠PS5被称为蜘蛛侠英里士气ps5(spiderman ps5)喜欢视频吗? 立即订阅:http://bit.ly/1S7oa8K支持我并获得特殊特权! http://bit.ly/2NGslwd Gameinformer文章:https://www.gameinformer.com/spider-man/new-yorks-only-spider-man ————— ————————————————– ————–在社交媒体上关注我:https://www.twitch.tv/jorraptor https://twitter.com/jorraptor https://instagram.com/jorraptor/更多蜘蛛侠PS5(PS5蜘蛛侠2)内容:揭示了蜘蛛侠PS5的巨大变化,新服和更多方法(蜘蛛侠Miles Morales PS5):https://youtu.be/YLWOMtrNzyc蜘蛛侠PS5游戏详细信息-Miles Morales Is不仅蜘蛛侠PS5游戏正在开发中:https://youtu.be/Wyb1Ff-Wvgc蜘蛛侠PS5游戏详情-尺寸,西服Mods,故事及更多内容! (蜘蛛侠PS5):https://youtu.be/x7RUv1gjzSc蜘蛛侠PS5宣布称为蜘蛛侠迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯-拖车反应(蜘蛛侠PS5):https://youtu.be/hHInYU_KP3I蜘蛛侠PS4更新1.14现已增加2个奇妙功能四套西装及更多! (Spiderman PS4 Update 1.14):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnVYpsd2txQ Spider Man PS4 DLC和自推出以来的所有更新以及Future DLC Tease 2019(Spiderman PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube .com / watch?v = 3qRfieeBkjM蜘蛛侠PS4更多整理器您可能还不知道,可玩立方体等等! (蜘蛛侠PS4的秘密):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doRHPtuZ7Ro蜘蛛侠PS4具有极其稀有的修饰剂和用法! (蜘蛛侠PS4的秘密):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObYAW6-kFug蜘蛛侠PS4更新秘密改变了西服的威力,雷米的西服背景故事等等! (Spiderman PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_CP28fBcNE蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC套装GAMEPLAY&Silver Lining Spoiler Free Review(Spiderman PS4 DLC Suits):https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v = 3fBhxKhWBQk Spider Man PS4 Update 1.13增加了SAM RAIMI SUIT,新的难度及更多功能(Spiderman PS4 Update 1.13):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAh6ies8Oz0 Spider Man PS4 DLC套装已公开,银色衬里DLC预告片及更多(Spiderman PS4新套装):https://youtu.be/pB7PrwHXVBg蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC您可能会错过的事情,新的DLC套装逗趣及更多方式(Spiderman PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube。 com / watch?v = bMxivF3Wty8蜘蛛侠DLC套装游戏,更新1.11和新DLC信息(蜘蛛侠PS4新套装-蜘蛛侠PS4):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GcDiiHeNHs蜘蛛侠PS4更新1.10所有信息,DLC发行日期及更多信息(Spiderman PS4 Update 1.10):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGcZY3_4qcU蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC套装游戏和评论+ DLC印象(Spiderman PS4 DLC套装):https ://www.youtu be.com/watch?v=kUzZFago-n0蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC位置已更改,发布和DLC套装的新外观(蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = SqkoumeDjXc蜘蛛侠PS4 1.08版更新所有信息-添加新的Game Plus和新功能(Spiderman PS4更新):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lADMbrLHNk蜘蛛侠DLC游戏正在准备中,新的游戏Plus信息,2019年的DLC? &More(Spiderman PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9XuRRmsNBU蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC-失眠者会谈长度,内容,共享秘密等! (蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsFDoaM9WRU蜘蛛侠PS4更新延迟,失眠的HYPES UP DLC衣服等等! (蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC套装):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhD650mdcqA蜘蛛侠PS4最佳西装的功能和如何使它们更坚固(蜘蛛侠PS4技巧和窍门:https://www.youtube。 com / watch?v = cm_Xn3h_X3o蜘蛛侠PS4的秘密-这个老板在监视您,疯狂的毛刺和更多(蜘蛛侠PS4的秘密):https://youtu.be/aIE5kjodTTk蜘蛛侠PS4的酷把戏您可能不知道,新Feature Coming&More!(蜘蛛侠PS4技巧):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = JxrKUaRbqPo蜘蛛侠PS4秘密-穿越桥梁和穿越城市(蜘蛛侠PS4秘密):https:// www .youtube.com / watch?v = i6ur5WxAqek蜘蛛侠PS4升级,超越了最高水平,惊人的快速战术(Spiderman PS4技巧和窍门):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2ZLsz3hSUc蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC将会令人惊讶并会在未来更新信息(蜘蛛侠PS4 DLC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU7Ea91PBZ0该视频包括:蜘蛛侠ps5,蜘蛛侠ps5,蜘蛛人里程士气ps5,大屠杀者,蜘蛛人英里道德 es,ps5蜘蛛侠,蜘蛛侠ps4更新,蜘蛛侠ps5,ps5蜘蛛侠,蜘蛛侠英里士气ps4,spiderman英里士气,蜘蛛侠重制ps5,spiderman,miles士气ps5,miles士气,spider-man英里士气,spiderman更新,奇迹蜘蛛侠ps5,蜘蛛侠,蜘蛛侠里程士ps5,新蜘蛛侠ps5,蜘蛛侠,奇迹蜘蛛侠里程士气,主要猛禽#SpiderManPS5 #SpiderManMilesMorales #SpiderMan。

  1. Just not a fan at all of miles Morales. Never liked this version of a spiderman. Peter parker is the one & only. Dont even like how they made him overpowered. Gonna skip this game as I hated his character in the previous spiderman game.

  2. this is an extremely minor thing but the 1 thing that bugs me about this game is the fact that miles lens frames extend on the mask instead of the lens itself, makes him too cartoonish imo (see 0:55 for example)

  3. What do we know about storage options for the PS5? I know PS5/upgraded PS4 games have to be played from the console SSD (at least for now) but can I store games I’m not playing on an External HDD like I currently do with my PS4 Pro and move them back to the console SSD when I want to play them? If anybody has answers it would be much appreciated ??

  4. Honestly this game is a curse and a gift.

    On one hand, fuck yeah this looks like an awesome spiderman game. On the other hand, this is the size I was expecting for Spiderman 2, now since they did this scale with the side game im gonna want Spiderman 2 to be something big.

    Like superior Spiderman, Venom, spider island, or spider verse. Something massive that makes us realize how large and important the sequel is

  5. while i appreciate you owning up to being wrong, but its kinda obvious that they would make some improvements from the first game to improve the next one, its not like they'd leave everything the same, but again, its good you owned up to it

  6. “Don’t expect too much” but they’re still charging full price. I like the look of the game and really like insomniac but they’re charging full AAA price so it’s not unreasonable to expect AAA amount of quality and content.

  7. I legitimately enjoyed the loading screens for Spider-man PS4. Ran beautifully compared to other games.

    Borderlands 3 on my slim PS4…Holy shit. I can’t wait to see how much better that game plays on the PS5. It was so poorly optimized for current gen consoles. My slim PS4 crashed 3 times due to overheating.

  8. 1:48 THAT IS AN EXPERIENCED PETER PARKER with 8 YEARS under his mask. Not the new character model who looks way too similar to Tom Holland. Really hope Insomniac admits they were wrong and just goes back to the original character model for the future of their Spider-man games

  9. Bro said “idk about miles morales cuz it takes place on the same map” like no shit where he gon go Texas fuck he gon do there swing from grass n shit?

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