Kagerou Daze- [ ✧ Christmas Special ✧ ]

我经历了一个圣诞节主题并将其添加到关卡中,甚至编辑了时钟。 可能不是圣诞节的最佳关卡选择,但是哦…哈哈哈! XD〜大家圣诞快乐,愿您的假期充满家人和朋友的舒适,付出的热情以及本赛季带来的喜悦。 谢谢您,感谢您给予我的所有支持和鼓励,这对我来说意义重大,我很荣幸能够与如此众多的人互动。 (๑´ω`๑)。

  1. And that is the reason to ALWAYS,ALWAYS be careful
    Also,those events(except the consert) happend in Hibiya’s dream.
    Show:MekakuCity Actors

  2. :3 I hope you didn't mind i ask you a question. How did you post the prject diva video to youtube by the way? I'm a bit curious XD

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