TNA与 GFW入侵计划(谣言)

“警告:建议不要观看者!” 摔角中央-。

  1. I hope gfw just takes over. They aren't damaged goods like TNA. Jeff should take TNA back anyway, the only time they made money(however little it may have been) was when he had some control over the product.

  2. Its funny how people really think an invasion between two shit companies who dont even draw 75 people at their house shows is gonna be awesome.Im sorry u can bash WWE all u want but they are a TRUE wrestling company who draw thousands of people everywhere in the world.I like the direction HHH is taking the company we have a lot more competitive wrestling matches these days in WWE.I hate to break this to TNA fans or Global Force fans but they wont be around much  longer.I mean TNA is already dying for god's sake.LOL

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