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  1. Doesn’t matter how much u want to portray the movie… it’s still inappropriate… don’t like it?? and it was all over the place… it doesn’t have a conclusion‼️

  2. As mother of nothing but girls, I understand very well on the topics from both sides that this video covers. Which is why alot is coming out the way that is and why Netflix is rightfully is getting sued at this point. But also, there is huge problem going on around the world with young girls too. And I feel like that should be talked about more loudly from girls, women and parents equally from all walks of life. Also, I think boys need to be taught on how girls need to treat respectfully and how women like how real men treat them as well. Sexual aduse does not have to accepted by anyone as an okay behavior. And its not. And girls do not have to dress a certain any or look a certain any to be accepted or considered pretty.

  3. I wasn't aware of the film "Cuties" on Netflix until all the negative attention popped up, and I've been a subscriber for years. So I am watching the movie. There is so much more to the film than just suggestive dancing. What i see is coming of age film about young girls' emulating popular culture. It focuses on one child's struggle trying to live in two worlds. It's about a naive kid trying to discover her niche in this world.

    it's a story about a group of girls who want to win a dance contest. At the end of the film the girls are booed by the shocked audience, and the main character leaves the stage and returns home . In the final scene she is jumping rope like any 11 year old girl.

    The promotion of this film by Netflix is what sicken me because it focused on suggestive dancing of the girls. They did at least tone down the poster and description. Netflix did this film an injustice. But then again Netflix is no stranger to controversy.

    It's great film — according to IMDb it won one award and was nominated for three.

  4. people who acctuly watched it: "did you really watch it or are you basing your info on other peoples opinion?"

    facts verse: "ugghhhhhhh"

    i watch it and not only does it promote pedophilia but also promotes hate and showing negativity towards islam something France likes to do a lot just so they can get shot up

  5. 0:07 1:29 ? If they are 11 years old why use the language "coming-of-age" as opposed to pre-teen?

    2:38 ? So its promoting to the young adolescent minds that its cool to seek "social media fame" by behaving like social media THOTS?

    5:55 Why was the word "twerking" in it in the first place? ?

    7:45 What is "ultra-modern" suppose to mean? ?❓7:50 What does "highly provocative dance steps" suppose to mean? As oppose to "twerking"? ?❓

    8:15 ? What is she talking about? What truth? What is the life of an 11 year old in the places that she is describing?

    8:28 ? If she wanted to open up the discussion about pedophilia and promiscuity in 11 year olds, why make a for-profit film using using actual 11 year old performing a pedophiles wet dream? I don't get it? Did the film bring forth a solution?

    8:43 So…? the directors intentions were to exploit the 11 year olds in the film to draw pedo-weirdo's attention to the film so that they can get their jolly's? Under the guise of starting a moral discussion about promiscuity among pre-teens?

    I will have to pass on watching that film. I don't think it would be educational or entertaining.

  6. I watched it to see what the deal was. The point of the movie actually hits the mark. As for people calling it like child porn…must never seen these dance competitions. Just Google them. Look at the outfits and the routines. It is exactly what is going on in Cuties.

  7. I already made up my mind and I'm not even gonna bother watching that movie. Especially since I feel like if I do, the FBI is gonna keep extra tabs on me. I'm not even into coming of age movies anyway. As I always say; Chief called and said this ain't it

  8. Good I hope this show sinks Netflix f*** their pedo executives besides there's a better app for free you can download from Google play that's better than Netflix Hulu and stars combined all HD movies with lots of movies that have just come out and you have to pay for to rent on Vudu or Redbox except they're free and the best thing of all they don't promote pedophilia. Ouch that hurt didn't it Netflix but not as much as it's going to hurt once Texas gets done with all the executives that approved this show and signed off on it because everyone who did is complicit in the promotion and subjectification of sexually inappropriate behavior involving minors under the age of 15 for profit?and they're all serving time in a Texas State penitentiary?

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