►成为会员-加入►Twitter-►我的游戏设置- ►Instagram- iJustine-Xbox Series X冰箱拆箱因此,今天我们有来自Snoop Dogg和@iJustine的Xbox Xbox X冰箱拆箱官方视频。 我们还有PS5拆箱日期。 Digital Foundry没有获得PS5。 GameStop免费提供了Nintendo。 Dirt 5开发人员表示PS5和Xbox Series X GPU的差距并没有真正影响开发。 我们也听说过Xbox Game游戏通行证。 使命召唤泄密者已被禁止,Google Stadia开发人员已成为新闻。 #Xbox#PS5#PlayStation5 #CallofDuty#游戏00:00-简介00:23-视频启动GTA 6地图泄漏,索尼录制PS5派对聊天和赛博朋克2077 Xbox Series X胜过PS5-NBA 2K21对马岛的广告与鬼魂2 PS5向后兼容性-不能玩PS1 / PS2 / PS3游戏 PS5蜘蛛侠游戏 Xbox Series X取消装箱视频索尼PS5拆解视频和Black Ops更改 PS5 UI完整视频和Xbox Series X延迟蜘蛛侠重新制作PS5彼得·帕克,PS5 UI和Xbox新闻 Amazon&GameStop延迟PS5和Xbox Series X预购 PS5战神仙境传说游戏预告片https:// PS5直播和《哈利波特》游戏预告片黑色行动竞选游戏演练第1部分 DO9GgGxRw Black Ops Zombies游戏-重制Tranzit,Juggernog返回&更多 Xbox Series S vs Xbox Series X规格,价格和发行日期 Cyber​​punk 2077多人发行日期&更多 Black Ops Zombies游戏信息和下一代巫师3 Cyber​​punk 2077 PC规格即将发布和文件大小 Nvidia RTX 3090 8K游戏性和PS5 3D音频风暴引擎黑色行动PS5独家内容和我们知道的一切赛博朋克2077游戏性演练免费漫游(4K游戏性)https :// MW2重新制作的多人游戏发生了什么? PS5控制台设计揭示了实时流 PS5控制器Dualsense 5揭示了 PS5预购与战地6泄漏https:// youtu。 be / CO5dH_WOMoA GTA 6网站-XBOX和PS5价格太昂贵 PS5图形和Uncharted 5 in Works PS5 Pro和我们最后的3 https: // Xbox Series X和PS5游戏新闻和未知5 MW3重新制作的泄漏和发布日期 MW2重新制作的多人游戏正在发生https:// PS5 vs Xbox Series X(完整规格比较) GTA 6游戏细节我们到目前为止仍了解 GTA 6预告片泄漏和推测https ://喜欢并在SKizzleAXE上订阅更多游戏视频。 。

  1. I have a question.. how can you take any technical spec information from the dirt 5 creators when their game was shitted on by so many people, bearing truth to everyone's overwhelming opinion that they just don't know what the hell they're doing with the hardware when it comes to any system, if this is what they came out with as a title launch when this was their time to shine, being that there is no Forza for the Xbox launch or Gran Turismo for the PlayStation 5 launch

    that's kind of all of the people that hate anyone and everyone associated with Trump and deem them irrelevant, but the minute they flip the tables and go against Trump they become the all savior to humanity..???? I cant with these Fanboys, they are just something else.

  2. Honestly skizzle i rly enjoy ur vids so much bc you keep it up with the new memes. Lol thx for the content. Keep it up bruh

  3. I think that is great that PS5 is able to play games just as good. That means if I ever want to buy a PS5 it won't be much different then the Xbox Series X because the Xbox Series X will be my main console. I will buy the PS5 when they come out with games that interest me?

  4. Reviewtechusa also covered that dev that said it's basically the same. Ima comment the same thing I said on his video. Its cap. The difference is not that big however it is still there and you will see a difference. Games will have more stable frame rates and higher quality graphics. Will it leave the ps5 in the dust. No. Ps5 is a great console but the GPU difference is there so when people say that it's basically the same its cap.

  5. GPUs are scalable so just means like pc’s they really don’t have to do anything it will prob mean each GPU will detect and run game accordingly.

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