PlayStation 5和Xbox系列S / X的预购被取消,人们很生气

查看我的ReviewTechUSA Merch全线产品:报告关于PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X取消预购的报道。显然,一些客户从GameStop和Target收到取消通知。 来!我们讨论一下。 成为ReviewTechUSA会员:查看Satsifye的超棒Nintendo Switch配件,并使用代码“ REVIEWTECH10”在整个订单上节省10%: yysawkhp签出《尖端游戏玩家》以获得出色的图形卡租赁交易(会员链接):订阅RTUStreams获得我的直播内容:在Cameo上获取我的个性化消息:在Facebook上关注我:在Instagram上关注我:https://www.instagram。 com / therealrtuyt1在Twitter上关注我:该视频中引用的消息源:来自https的音乐://“ Electro Cabello”,由Kevin MacLeod(许可:CC BY( S #XboxSeriesX#PS5。

  1. Notice how all these videos on youtube all mention how horrible the experience was on gamestop Walmart or target but not Sony? Because it was great! I got on the web page waited "in line" for 20 mins ordered my stuff and was done no sweat every release should be like this

  2. I went on 2 gamestop there yesterday and clicked join the queue for xbox series x and paid 50 to do that does this mean it will get cancelled

  3. I canceled preordering anything. The state of gaming right now is in a really bad place in my opinion. I couldn’t physically go to a store and preorder either console. It was all online which means good luck clicking a button fast enough. No thanks. I’ll wait

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