"PS5值得独家发售,而Xbox则不可以!" | Microsoft和Xbox Series X在游戏方面表现不佳…大声笑

微软收购了贝塞斯达之后,成年男子仍感到不安,而贝塞斯达游戏现在很可能是Xbox Series X和PC独有的。

  1. hopefully microsoft doesn't screw up bethesda like rare, bungie, FASA Studios, Bizzare creations, and Lionhead studios. Bungie really wanted to leave microsoft to activision thats really saying something.

  2. alright time for me to become a closeted playstation fan because the general playstation fandom is becoming as cringy as jojo fans when it became popular

    also microsoft buying bethesda is good for the gaming industry on the long term, since it was basically said that if a platform has gamepass, it will have bethesda games "for free". Keeping that in mind, having gamepass everywhere will make it so everybody can play on a budget and that would be amazing

  3. Xbox fans with working brains – damn Playstation is back at it again with not allowing people from Xbox or PC to play their games. Eh that's cool I'm just gonna move on.

    Playstation fans with working brains – damn Microsoft is making some damn good investments for their business. Good for them and their allowing it to go to PC as well?! What a plus. Oh wait they just bought Bethesda!!! That is gonna su- oh wait it's also gonna be on PC well nvm good for them.

    Playstation and xbox fan boys – what either sides are making really good investments for themselves?! That fucken sucks, that's totally gonna fuck up the gaming industry fr on jah!!. I don't think this is a good idea because I'm gonna spit my fan boy logic at you that makes no sense and indeed makes me look retarded. I'm also gonna say idc but I actually do so I just don't wanna show it because I'm a pussy.

    I could go on forever about how dumb both sides of fan boys are but that's like 10 novels right there of a damn good comedy novel series.

    PC/xbox/Playstation/etc owners – damn people still fight over which console is better? I totally forgot about that, wait? Didn't the console wars end? Oh wait it's fan boys that can't give up their virginity religion to one console I remember now. Uh why don't you just buy a pc and make your life easier buddy or a better idea stop making life more painful for you and others around the world and just buy all 3 platforms. But uh keep up the fan boy shenanigans at the same time because it's hella content of peer laughter just watching you fan boys make a fool out of yourselves. Anyways cheers I gotta go.

    Which one are you?

  4. Of corse im a xbox player ive played a ps before I would say ps and xbox are fine but I just stay with xbox but like to me it just ads more exclusive games and now ps fan boys just like hate that but like I just don't know what to say im fine with Microsoft buying Bethesda but the ps fan boys just take it like its the worst thing ever so im just going to wait until they get tired of arguing about this.

  5. Bruh my friend is an xbot and always complained about how anti consumer Sony was for having so many exclusives. But as soon as Microsoft starts buying exclusives he starts praising it. Xbots are the biggest hypocrites I swear.

  6. Microsoft buys zenimax.

    PS fanboys: Fan 1: "No! Xbox has Bethesda games and they will be exclusive! " Fan 2: "I know! I hate Microsoft and I don't want to get an Xbox to play the new elder scrolls!"

    Xbox and PC players: Xboy "Microsoft bought Zenimax." PChad "Cool."

    Nintendo: "… so anyway we put Steve in smash!"

  7. Lol! Genshin Impact is not ruining the gaming industry Mihoyo just showcased they're another greedy ass company lol. Simply play the game and dont spend anything. If anything I applaud them for making a game that I have to put less than 13 minutes in and can ignore it until reset.

  8. I don't care, as long as Doom remains on all platform (y'know, like it always has), I'm fine with Bathesda being Xbox exclusive

  9. I own both a PS4 and XBOX 1 and I agree Sony Fanboys(Not Fans) are the most hypocritical fanbase. I remember when "Rise of The Tomb Raider" came out to XBOX first, and was a TIMED EXCLUSIVE. Sony Pony's went completely APESHIT(Kids and Adults alike) Though I also remember when XBOX players were screwed out of DLC content which was PROMISED as a Time Exclusive. That was Batman Arkham Knight. I purchased the game for The Xbox, and was upset when Sony got EXTRA DLC content and one in particular was the Batman Adam West Skin. Xbox players were promised the Adam West skin, because it was a Timed Exclusive. Well when the "Time Exclusive" came to an end, it was stated that the skin was STAYING EXCLUSIVE to Sony. I as many other XBOX owners were upset and rightfully so, because we payed the SAME money but get less content. Though we did not go hysterical like the Sony Fanboys did with Tomb Raider. Like this tool in the video, they are full of hypocrisy.

  10. The only thing I hope Microsoft doesn't do is change their mind… if Microsoft plays the timed exclusive game thing, PlayStation gamers might actually start treating them like PC gamers with money treat the Epic Game Store. And it might hurt their games bottom line moving forward.

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