
据报道,在美国的Target商店收到的显示Xbox Series X / S控制台的图像已在线发布。 来源: thread / first-xbox-series-x-retail-box-spotted-in-the-wild.302552 / #XboxSeriesS #XboxSeriesX #Xbox加入此频道即可获得特权: / UCSxLDHfK2yzL7jhCJWG7EPg / join在此处查找我的所有链接:订阅8位ERIC➤ 8位ERIC商户在这里! ►支持我! ► Twitter► Facebook► Tik Tok► Instagram►http :// Odysee► Bitchute► Reddit► Tumblr ► Twitch► DISCORD GROUP► Paypal► WANT要寄给我一些东西吗? 请发送至:8位Eric PO Box 648 Somerset TX 78069视频中使用的设备:游戏椅:KILLABEE高大游戏椅8212灰色 = video&utm_campaign = 8BitEric使用促销代码:8BitERIC减$ 15摄像机:Sony FDR-AX100 / B 4K摄像机附属)摄像机麦克风:Sony XLR-K2M / 3ihS0q9(附属)捕获设备:Elgato Game Capture HD60 S附属)指示灯:PHOPIK柔光箱照明套件附属)摄像机捕获设备:Elgato Cam链接4K附属)麦克风:蓝色Snowball USB麦克风附属)编辑计算机:Apple iMac(27英寸,8GB RAM,1TB存储)https:// /附属)电脑显示器:Dell Ultrasharp U2718Q 27英寸4K IPS显示器附属)流媒体/游戏PC:华硕G20AJ-US006S英特尔酷睿i3-4150 3.5G Hz 8GB DDR3 1TB HDD DVD±RW Windows 8.1台式机(制造商停产)赞助商和分支机构:亚马逊►在亚马逊购物时支持表演! 如果您使用此链接购物亚马逊,则无需花钱! JapanCodeSupply►https://japancodesupply.com使用我的代码:8BITERIC消费满$ 50可享受$ 3的折扣,每封电子邮件可以使用一次。 KontrolFreek►使用我的代码:8BITERIC在KONTROLFREEK可获得10%的性能游戏齿轮和配件订单! JerkyXP►使用我的代码:http://www.jerkyxp.com上的8BITERIC可获得您所有讨厌的产品10%的折扣! 特级牛肉干,易于咀嚼,口味大胆。 GameFly►注册GameFly可获得最新的PS4,Xbox和Nintendo Switch游戏! 30天免费试用! 关于8位ERIC:每个Nintendo Switch游戏都将在这里进行评论! 想知道您是否应该购买Switch游戏吗? 8位Eric凭借其Switch游戏评论,配件等等的庞大播放列表,为您提供了覆盖! 我还喜欢报道其他书呆子文化,包括电影评论,电视,漫画,玩具,拆箱,评论等。 无论是现代游戏还是复古游戏,这个地方总会爆出! 几乎每天都会上传新视频! 继续并免费订阅! 音乐:Jason Hooft Kevin MacLeod Audiomicro http://www.audiomicro.com所有图像,音乐和录像都是根据知识共享“署名3.0”协议获得许可的://标签:任天堂开关,任天堂开关游戏,任天堂开关评论,新开关游戏,顶级开关游戏,开关游戏,开关评论,开关评论,开关游戏评论,开关节拍游戏,最佳eshop游戏,任天堂,任天堂开关,任天堂,任天堂开关精简版,任天堂开关游戏,开关,任天堂游戏奖,任天堂开关拆箱,任天堂英国,任天堂,任天堂tga,任天堂新闻,任天堂2020,玩任天堂,模因,任天堂生活,任天堂模因,任天堂直接,雷吉·任天堂,切换任天堂,任天堂youtube,任天堂tga 2019,任天堂频道,任天堂youtuber,任天堂switch vr,任天堂,任天堂新游戏,视频游戏,8位Eric, 8bit eric,8bit eric。

  1. Go to walmart, they always have a shitload in stock, if their all gone then I’ll just wait until January to buy them, because they still sold xbox ones years after release

  2. It feels like getting these new consoles will be like how it was with the Nintendo switch a lot of camping out at 6am to get a number and buying one

  3. I’m trying to buy an Xbox series x for my nephews for Christmas. I finally have money to do something like this for them. I hope I get one ?

  4. This is a true generational leap I see the Xbox One as sort of a skip rather than a leap it was not that much more powerful than the 360…The Series X is at least twice as powerful as the Xbox One X.

  5. I work for Walmart in stocking we received more xbox series x consoles then series s consoles,I can't say anything about how many of each all I can it's a good amount.

  6. I always figured that, they being shipped out to all the stores, however, they should be all stocked to be released on November 10th, ready to go, because it is going to be a sell out, especially most of us lost out on per order, sold out in two hours, so we are waiting and ready, can't wait to jump on mine first thing.

  7. I prefer to wait a year because I seen what happened on launch people who get one on launch complain about the possibility of the system is fried the whole nine so you are better off waiting a year until they are sure all bugs and issues are fixed but it's your choice I have no say in that I just know what's going to happen to the consoles and it's scary as hell I already know

  8. Im in Singapore, and for some reason I received an email from MS saying the estimated delivery date for my XSX changed from Nov10 to Oct28. Ive ordered directly from MS, so not sure whats happening here. No news or whatsoever abt early launch.

  9. Hey Eric, Just an FYI for getting one from Target on launch day. From what I've heard Target will only be taking orders online for in store/curbside pickup. You CANNOT walk in to the store and just pick one up you must order online. I also heard online orders will start at whatever time your local Target opens and since each store is getting its own stock it should be a little easier to get one. Also less bots since you have to pick it up and cannot be shipped. Good Luck!

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