
在此视频中,显示了如何更改蒸汽区域。 这是一种新方法。 现在,我们不仅必须使用VPN,还必须使用所需国家/地区的付款方式。 广告:3个月免费最快的VPN-http://bit.ly/guntherVPN加入我们的Discord-https://discord.gg/KDXXDDS使用的链接:带RU的VPN-https://hidemy.name/#5f9322df7c23d购买预付Ru卡15卢布-https://plati.market/itm/15-rur-mastercard-virtual/2410753如何在此RU帐户中添加资金:方法1:购买可以在Ru中激活的任何Steam钱包代码,请检查这个:https://plati.market/cat/steam-wallet-cards/22611/或这个:https://www.g2a.com/en-gb/category/steam-c1571方法2:使用像这样的任何市场:https://market.csgo.com/或其他任何文件。 方法3:购买大型预付卡(3000卢布及以上):https://plati.market/itm/3000-30000-rub-mastercard-virtual-card-rus-bank/1849680在此视频中,我将告诉您如何更改Steam商店区域,如果您来自美国或欧洲,这将使您可以更便宜地购买游戏。 以前,要在Steam中切换区域,就足以打开VPN,选择所需的国家并更改区域。 现在,如果您尝试以这种方式更改地区,您将收到以下消息:当您使用该国家/地区的付款方式完成首次购买时,可以更新Steam国家/地区设置。 现在,我将向您介绍一种更改商店区域的新方法。 如果您拥有该国家/地区的付款方式,则可以更改为Steam阿根廷地区。 在此视频中显示了如何将蒸汽区域切换到俄罗斯。 时间戳:0:00简介0:27更改Steam区域所需的内容0:57更改Steam区域4:02如何补充余额4:23感谢您的观看谢谢您的观看。 希望我们的视频对您有用且有趣。 请订阅该频道-不要错过有趣的视频。 点击铃声打开通知! 捐赠:Steam交易-https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=300990331&token=CBuCNHIN Streamlabs-https://bit.ly/2FgdNRj DonationAlerts-https://bit.ly/3fO2JYp我们的社会:不和谐- https://discord.gg/KDXXDDS Steam-https://steamcommunity.com/id/gunthersuper Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/gunthersuper。

  1. Hello! Now to change the region in Steam, you need to use not only VPN, but also the payment system of the desired country. In this video I'll show you how to switch your steam region to Russia.

  2. Don't do this, please!The easiest and best way for the Steam guys to stop this would be to increase the price we Argentinians pay for the games. It might be a lot cheaper for you guys but for us it's still bloody expensive as it is. In the long run, we'll all be screwed. Instead, sign petitions for developers and companies to lower the price of games so you guys can pay what we pay. We will all win. Both the companies and the costumers.

  3. Steam gives me this error!
    Your purchase has not been completed. Your credit card information has been declined by your credit card company.

    Note that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After correcting any errors in the information displayed below, please try your purchase again.

  4. Another method could be with my help, I'm from Argentina and I buy games regularly here. I could buy them for you as a gift, then you do that VPN thing, change to argentina, and I gift the game to your Argentinian account. Of course I'll need the amount of the game into paypal or something like that

  5. Is there any way to pay for the card with a credit card or Paypal? because i dont own any of those payment methods and I don't want to make an account on sketchy russian sites :/

  6. I already made two purchases with two different credit cards from Norway and Israel. Is there any problem for me? I read somewhere on the Internet that Steam is asking for confirmation by sending money (less than $ 1) and after that you need to enter these exact two amounts in the confirmation window or you'll receive a red alert. My account is worth $ 1000 and I don't wanna lose it. I need your advice.

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