2020年最佳智能手表| 经过测试和审查| 苹果,三星,华为等

回顾2020年最佳智能手表,从Apple Watch Series 6和Samsung的Galaxy Watch 3等最高级的可穿戴设备,到华为和小米的更经济实惠的设备。 今年我最喜欢的智能手表之一是三星的最新版本,这是对Galaxy Watch Active的高级升级。 您将获得所有期望的功能,包括全面的健身跟踪,心率监测,SPO2测量等,以及非接触式支付和强大的定制功能。 但是,就像其最大的竞争对手Apple Watch 6一样,电池续航时间也很短。 苹果的替代品甚至更加昂贵,特别是如果您选择不锈钢或钛。 尽管如此,我还是喜欢Watch OS的体验,它设计精良且直观。 请注意,您将需要使用iPhone来解锁大多数功能。 如果您想要更便宜的钛金属智能手表,请查看Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro。 您没有应用商店或助手支持,但健身追踪支持100多种锻炼类型。 两周的电池续航时间是我测试过的最好的电池。 您还可以通过抓住Watch GT 2或GT 2e节省现金,而Honor Watch GS Pro坚固的机身非常适合健身爱好者。 我们还会看一下TicWatch Pro 3 GPS,它是2020年最强大的Wear OS设备之一。小米Mi Watch非常值得关注,因为它可能是年度最佳可穿戴设备。 即将全面审查! 。

  1. :Samsung Watch 45mm – over 400 quid no big deal
    :Apple Watch Series 6 – eye watering 380 quid.

    Eh… I dont get it. Samsung is more expensive and not really any better than the Apple Watch. How is 380 eye watering compared to over 400? ?

  2. I LOVE the look of the Fossil FTW4040, in my opinion, THE BEST looking watch out there. But reviews say the battery life is barely a day and this puts me off :/

  3. You need to try the Senbono S30 And the Senbono S80 there are a good cheep smartwatch from around £16 to £40 from Banggood. I have the S30 and get 7 days on a single charge well worth the punt

  4. Watch which has battery life of 17 hours, you consider that as best buy, Samsung and apple watch are joke if you consider as battery life, will never buy this craps untill they add 4 to 5 days of battery life….

  5. I am currently rocking Amazfit GTR 47mm and I could definitely reccomend it, even though it's last year's model. The design is excellent, the battery life is crazy, it's lightweight, cheap and it has all the necessary functionalities I need. The newer GTR 2 may have more advanced functions but its design is much more uglier and generic

  6. Been using a fossil with an elink display for most of the year, misses the fancy display but it's thin , quite classy looking and does a fortnight between charges with an always on display. Issues are it's difficult to read in low light because of the display and not very modifiable display but after LG and Huawei wear Android Wear watches I much prefer the subtle looks and still getting smart notifications and tracking.

  7. I charge my phone every night…. I remember to do that. My garmin gets 14 days and i always find out the battery is low when it dies half wat through the day. Frankly, having to charge my watch every day will only guarantee that dead watch never happens. Yes, i could charge the garmin every day or every other day ( if i remember to) to prevent that…. but then why not just do the Apple Watch If the battery is a thing. the only reason i still dont go with the Apple Watch is that lack of sensor pairing. The day i can pair all my cycling sensors ( not juts Heartrate straps) to it ill be ditching my garmin.

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