更多Xbox系列X问题解答和PlayStation商店更改| 下一代

只需三个星期,露西·詹姆斯(Lucy James),塔莫尔·侯赛因(Tamoor Hussain)和乔丹·拉米(JordanRamée)讨论了新的PlayStation商店以及PlayStation 5 Trophies中增加的奖励,迈克尔·海厄姆(Michael Higham)与他们一起回答了您更多的Xbox Series X问题。 新游戏机即将上市,索尼和微软都在为它们的到来做准备。 这是什么意思? 对于前者,这意味着需要对其现有服务的工作方式进行一些调整,以使向PlayStation 5的过渡更加顺畅。 对于后者,这意味着就Xbox Series X / S所有者将如何充分利用其全新硬件的方式提供新信息。 在下一世代的这一集中,露西,乔丹和塔莫尔解决了索尼正在做的上述调整。 更具体地说,他们谈论的是对PlayStation Store的更改,该更改已经过重新设计。 收听以了解新内容,已更改的内容,已消失的内容以及所有含义。 还对PlayStation的Trophies的未来进行了快速分析,看起来它们可能会开始以不同的方式提供奖励。 对于讨论的Xbox部分,技术专家Michael Higham返回以回答您有关X / S的一些迫切问题。 这些范围包括您是否可以在外部硬盘驱动器上运行应用程序,以及Microsoft为Xbox Series X认可的硬盘驱动器是否可与新控制台一起使用,到Kinect 2兼容性以及新平台将如何与家庭控制台一起使用。 《下一代》是GameSpot每周发布的有关PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X的所有视频。每个星期五,与PlayStation Pro Tamoor Hussain,Xbox Xpert JordanRamée和Console Connoisseur Lucy James一起讨论有关新游戏机的最大故事。 00:00-简介00:54-PlayStation商店更改04:18-PlayStation 5奖杯奖励07:53-您的Xbox Series X的更多问题解答08:15-拥有X系列是否意味着您不能拥有另一个Xbox One作为您的家庭Xbox? 09:51-应用程序可以在外部硬盘上运行吗? 11:22-您可以一次使用每个外部驱动器吗? 11:51-专为Xbox One设计的Seagate Game Drive是否可以在X系列上使用? 13:53-您可以使用多个官方外置SSD吗? 15:14-Xbox Series X / S是否与Kinect兼容? 16:08-Xbox One硬盘是否仍可以工作或需要格式化? 17:25-Outro 17:44-但是,我们有一个PS5 !? 。

  1. holy shit how much money is microsoft paying gamespot in order to keep them pumping out videos for the irrelevant console that the xbox is?

  2. I think Michael misses the point about the first question concerning which is your account’s home console—or he intentionally side-stepped it, but I doubt that.

    You can have both a home Xbox One and a home Xbox 360 at the same time, making your live gold subscription effectively free on the 360. If I can have both a home Xbox One and an Xbox Series set as home simultaneously, then my partner could use my Game Pass on the One while I’m also using it on my Series X. The question is in effect to ask whether that is possible. Giving the answer that “it works like always has” is ambiguous, because different generation hardware are treated differently up until now.

  3. Great video! Enjoyed hearing more details about how the Xbox Series X/S will work. Can't wait to see what you all have to say next week about the PS5!

  4. Those were some redundant, stupid ass questions. The people who asked these questions, were probably that one person who would always hold up the meeting or class, with pointless concerns/questions.

  5. @gamespot "you can sign in one account at a time" – that is wrong, you can sign in several accounts at a time. How you imagine split screen games would work?

  6. Hold up, the ARMY NATIONAL GUARD is the sponsor of this show? Is this how they're recruiting kids these days? Fucking disgusting.

  7. If that guy's clothes wasn't so damn small/tight, maybe he would've been able to throw without looking so damn awkward. That was the ugliest throw I've ever seen.

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