
介绍军备竞赛,银河系首屈一指的真人秀节目! 纳达,没有装备,没有能力,请插手! 然后,只用您能抢到的东西就争夺最后的摊牌! 在11月10日在无主之地3 Designer’s Cut中进行的无休止的军备竞赛中,提取最好的战利品或死亡! 了解更多信息:http://2kgam.es/BLShowEp8订阅并关注以获取更多独家Borderlands 3信息:Instagram:https://instagram.com/borderlands Facebook:https://facebook.com/borderlandsgame Twitter:https:// twitter.com/Borderlands网站:https://borderlands.com关于BORDERLANDS 3最初的射击掠夺者回来了,打包了数十亿支枪支和全新的混乱冒险。 作为四个全新的保险柜猎人之一,在新世界和敌人中崭露头角,每个人都有深厚的技能树,能力和定制能力。 独自玩耍或与朋友一起对抗疯狂的敌人,收集大量战利品,并从银河系中最残酷的邪教领袖那里拯救您的房屋。 主要特征:可能进行麻痹的特里尔骑术阻止狂热的Calypso Twins团结土匪氏族并声称拥有银河的终极力量。 只有您,一个寻求刺激的Vault Hunter,拥有武器库和盟军才能将它们击倒。 您的VAULT猎人,您的玩耍风格成为四个非凡的Vault Hunter之一,每个都有独特的能力,游戏风格,深厚的技能树和大量的个性化选项。 所有的Vault Hunter都能够独自完成令人敬畏的混乱,但在一起却势不可挡。 锁定,装载和抢劫拥有数十亿支枪支和小玩意,每场战斗都是获得新装备的机会。 带有自走式子弹防护罩的枪支? 检查一下产生喷火火山的步枪? 明显。 在扔口头侮辱时会长腿并追逐敌人的枪支? 是的,也知道了。 新边疆区探索潘多拉(Pandora)以外的新世界,每个新世界都具有独特的探索环境和消灭敌人的环境。 穿越敌对的沙漠,穿越饱受战争摧残的城市景观,探索致命的海湾,等等! 快速而无缝的合作行动无论您的等级或任务进度如何,都可以在线或分屏合作在任何时间与任何人一起玩。 团结一致,消灭敌人和挑战,但是收获仅属于您的奖励-没有人会错过战利品。 。

  1. wtf – you release this now – wtf release this earlier —I am literly sitting on my hands till you take the devs hands off the game–the tweaking is so imature

  2. So why did axton went into the modeling career was it for shit and giggles,he found his work sometime later too boring,or he just wants to try and reconnect with his ex-wife by starting out new?

  3. Can I get the fix so I can play with my friends keeps kicking us out of the game with error code really bums me out with such a fun game ??

  4. Pretty lack-luster to be included in a season pass. I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I always thought the season passes were reserved for more "special" updates to the game, not a new gamemode that is, by design, repetitive.

  5. Disappointing. Instead of more endgame like Borderlands 2 had, we get a battle royale. Why there is so less endgame in BL3? Where is the challenge? I loved BL2 for it. BL3 does not have it. But that's just my opinion. All the others have fun with it. I am out of Borderlands 3.

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