Apex Legends第7季-提升游戏预告片

《 Apex传奇》第7季–升天推出了新地图奥林匹斯山,新的Legend Horizo​​n,“三叉戟”战车,俱乐部,全新的Battle Pass,Steam支持等等! http://x.ea.com/64060在Apex Legends第7季-提升中升至新的高度。 Apex Games已迁移到云端美丽而危险的城市-奥林巴斯。 探索表面上修剪整齐的茂密景观,并在下面探索工业化的腹部。 《新传奇地平线》是一位出色的天体物理学家,她逃过了一个黑洞,她的目标是利用她对重力的新发现来兑现诺言。 跳上奥林巴斯的悬浮三叉戟车辆,快速穿越地图。 俱乐部功能将为玩家提供一种新的方式来建立社区并与他们的朋友一起小队。 抓住最新的战斗通行证,即可立即使用独家物品,包括传奇徘徊者抛光完美皮肤和三种新的稀有传奇皮肤。 然后,通过“每日挑战”和“每周挑战”进行战斗,获得诸如Apex Packs,XP Boosts和独特皮肤之类的奖励。 证明自己的技能,并在新的Ranked赛季中名列前茅,以获得独家奖励。 在第7季期间在Steam上玩游戏,可获得免费的Valve启发式枪支护身符。 那里有一个全新的世界,传奇。 统治它还是跌倒尝试。 Apex Legends™是一款免费的皇家战斗游戏,传说中的角色在边境的边缘为荣耀,名望和财富而战。 现在可以在Xbox One,PS4和PC上的Origin上免费玩游戏。 并在11月4日第7季发布时在Steam上玩! 了解有关Apex Legends第7季-提升的更多信息:http://x.ea.com/65921查看我们的YouTube频道:http://x.ea.com/56710。 在Twitter上关注我们:https://twitter.com/playapex。 在Instagram上关注我们:https://www.instagram.com/playapex/。 由2WEI创作的“提升”音乐http://www.instagram.com/2WEIMUSIC #MeetHorizo​​n#ApexSeason7#ApexSeason7 #ApexLegends。

  1. Olympus is such a bad map, I’m sorry but I hate the map I dislike this game now seen as kings canyon which was my favourite map has been taken off:( why can’t they do all three maps change instead of 2

  2. I want to put Horizons ultimate on the back of a Trident and ride around the map dragging everyone behind me like a magnet going through paperclips

  3. Okay after playing the new season for two days 3 hours each I can confidently say, DO NOT BUY THE BATTLE PASS. why, well both days I completed every single daily challenge there is along with getting two stars through experience points (10,000) I have only gotten a single BP level with one star to go before the next. Considering that there is only 88 days starting day one to get 110 levels, the grind has grown exponentially. With this change respawn has honestly lost my respect and has made me think that EA is now at the helm for all things monetized in this game now.

  4. I’m usually a fortnite person myself (don’t hate me) but damnnnn this looks really nice I’m gonna try it

    Edit: also I have played apex before. I played in season 1, then season 3, then season 4, and I haven’t played since then. Lol

  5. man… i was an og, until that 20GB update hit me like a truck, i was good at the game, and that game only, now you gjys are at season 7,while i am stuck in season 3, i feel like a parent watching its child achieve so much, you guys gave good moments too, i will never forget you

  6. theory: the gravitational thing is gonna implode and turn into a black hole, sucking everyone into another dimension, and finding a new legend there.

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