疫情期间搭飞机安全吗?详细台湾入境流程、美国机场现况Traveling during the Pandemic (USA to Taiwan)

终于回台湾啦!这次纪录了从美国旧金山回台湾机场的现况,飞机上情形和入境检疫流程,包括填表格、办理台湾手机(详细文字叙述如下)、防疫计程车,供大家参考,但是规定也随时在更新,大家还是需要去网页上查询喔!也特别谢谢地勤、空服员以及防疫人员!大家都辛苦了! 1. 14天不能出门14 days of quarantine, you can’t go out 2. 早晚量体温Check the temperature twice a day 3. 不舒服打1922 Call 1922 if you are not feeling well 4. 手机开机电话要接Keep your cellphone on, answer all the calls *检验14天必须有台湾手机他们会关心追踪During the 14 days of quarantine, They will call and track you everyday. That’s why you need a local phone number *下机后马上有办理手机处所以没有台湾SIM卡不必担心,有台湾手机号码的直接等最后的确认信(SIM卡办理15天700元,30天1000元) You can get a local phone number at the airport *办完SIM卡后再上卫福部的网页填一次正确的当地台湾电话When you get the SIM card, fill out the Quarantine System for Entry form again *收到确认讯息后即可出关Wait for the confirmation message then you are good to go Q:如果有台湾手机在家里没有在目前的装置上怎么办? A:可以请家人收到确认信后,传那封确认信到你现在的手机上,要有那封确认信才可以出关What is it like to fly during the pandemic? Today I am flying from San Francisco to Taiwan – Going back home!!? Here’s the situation at the airport, on the airplane and entry process /quarantine procedures for entering Taiwan! (The policy might change anytime, please check out the most recent information on their official website!) Special thanks to the flight attendants, airport assistants and everyone who makes our hometown safe! **规定随时会更新还是请上官网查询最新规定喔** Please check the official website for the updated information ✧每周上传新影片,如果你喜欢的话订阅与分享我的频道喔✧Weekly upload➝ Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos 🙂 ✧Instagram➝ https://www.instagram.com/cellokoko ✧Facebook➝ https://www.facebook. com/pg/cellokoko #台湾机场#入境流程#检疫#搭飞机#防疫计程车#美国机场#入境#Taiwan #entry #Sanfrancisco #airport #SFO #airplane #travel #musician #cellist #大提琴#防疫#隔离

  1. 防疫租賃車後就載到了防疫旅館14天檢疫不能出門,要記得訂旅館或是家裡要有獨立衛浴的房間,還是要上官網查詢最新規定喔!Hello Taiwan❤️

  2. 護目鏡推到頭髮上不是很恰當,除非有再消毒後才戴上護目,用以防止頭髮上有病毒沾染護目鏡內側,進而感染到自己的眼睛

  3. 核酸检测也不做的吗?而且空姐到、机场地面服务人员,司机的防护都是不够的…..感觉好松懈哦……这种程度的防疫,要是没有数字隐瞒才叫有鬼了,你们也太看不起这个病毒了////

  4. Please share you experiences with the hotel, costs, what and what not/can't do. I hope to visit Taiwan next March, praying for the vaccine !

  5. 台客就是自私,美國好住美國, 美國有難,往台灣跑,台灣不好時,載往美國跑,死台客就是如此爛阿

  6. 很想回台灣, 但想到飛那麼久就感覺好痛苦…..現在更是痛苦加倍…
    不過一出機場空氣真的馬上不同, 濕又暖…呵呵

  7. I don't know when I can ever visit Taiwan again, I have no home there any more and 14-day quarantine period, basically eats up my whole vacation time. Perhaps wait until everything is settled, until then, I can only dream about that "some day"…. Thank you for sharing.

  8. 我從芝加哥回來飛10幾個小時最不明白的是一堆人防護衣,面罩,等等等之類的,結果飛機餐一來立刻全脫來吃,我飛10幾個小時一餐沒吃過口罩沒下來過,空姐可能擔心我昏倒還硬塞一瓶水給我,不過還是沒喝就是了

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