Gail Kim谈论她重返GFW | #DESTX LIVE周四8 / 7c

当盖尔·金(Gail Kim)在周四的GFW淘汰赛冠军赛上挑战西耶娜(Sienna)时,会发生什么? 这一切在Pop and Fight Network的8 / 7c的#DestX现场直播。 查看更多操作:订阅:商店: IMPACT WRESTLING现在在周四的流行音乐时间为8 / 7c。 不要错过它! 要找出可以观看的地方,请访问www.poptv.com上的频道查找器。

  1. Absolutely ridiculous that GFW stripped Alberto of the title. They already have a world title match advertised for Destination-X. They should have just had him drop the title to Low-Ki. What are they gonna do now? Another bullshit three month long tournament?

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