
视频中提到了Steam万圣节大减价2020精选游戏:1)别饿死2)残忍者3)小噩梦4)尤库斯岛快车5)暗林6)黑梅萨7)空心骑士8)生化奇兵9)塞莱斯特10)圣徒行:第三名11)史莱姆牧场主12)格里斯13)瘟疫传说:无罪14)忍者印记:重制15)最黑暗的地牢16)新垣17)忘了安妮———–什么低预算游戏是什么? ————-我的目标是帮助您尽可能便宜地进行游戏。 我试图找到适用于PC上Steam,Epic等上的游戏或通过Humble Bundle,Fanatical等捆绑站点获得的最佳交易。 我还会在Epic Games商店以及Steam和其他地方免费赠送免费游戏后立即通知您。 还可以通过直播和多个视频深入了解大型销售,例如Steam夏季/冬季销售。 ———-我的社交媒体和YOUTUBE辅助频道—————–?Twitter:⚙️Steam Group:☑️LBG硬件: Amazon商店:会员链接)(链接到我使用的某些Budget产品(如麦克风,键盘耳机等)。如果您在使用我的链接后从Amazon买了东西,我将得到一点奖励。)?LBG PLAYS: (在我的第二个频道上,我每场制作一个视频,以显示游戏的样子并在游戏开始时进行播放。我这样做是为了向您展示游戏的运行方式,图形和游戏玩法,并且通常会给您第一印象。对游戏的印象。)————-廉价游戏的最佳网站—————-这些是提供某些在PC上最优惠的价格。 它们都是合法的,多年来我一直在使用它们。 由于我是这些网站的会员,因此您也将通过下面的链接间接支持我。 ⭐HUMBLE BUNDLE:月度捆绑包,游戏捆绑和支持慈善活动:⭐FANATICAL:廉价游戏捆绑,24小时之星交易:⭐GREEN MAN GAMING:特惠有关具有较大折扣和地区价格的新游戏和预购的信息:⭐EPIC GAMES商店:在结帐时使用我的标签LBGPLAYS,您将支持我。 —————-谁是LBG? —————–我是一位年龄较大的游戏玩家,自Sega Mega Drive时代起就一直在玩游戏。 在过去的十年中,诸如刺客的Creed II / Far Cry 3之类的游戏重新回到了游戏领域,而且还因为其他形式的娱乐不再吸引我了。 我更喜欢尝试各种游戏。 我最着迷于独特的独立游戏或AA游戏,例如“ Return Of The Obra Dinn”或“ Greedfall”或“ Vermintide 2”,但也会愉快地玩更多主流游戏,例如Resident Evil 2或Shadow of The Tomb Raider。 ⭐如果您想直接支持我,您可以通过单击JOIN按钮或下面的链接成为频道会员(会员从₹29 / $ 0.99起)。 作为回报,您会在我的Discord上获得一个单独的YouTube会员角色,并在Video Credits中获得您的姓名。 感谢 #gaming。

  1. I can't claim free games in steam with my phone.But the other sites is working.If you know how to claim free games on steam with a phone let me know lot of people help this

  2. I am picking up RE 2 and trine 4 from your previous video
    I have seen your video about AAA gaming, I too feel the same and I don't like live service games. I don't feel like picking up games at launch coz of bugs. Ori and the will of the wisps, desperados 3,gears tactics, death stranding, partisans 1941 were good this year.cloudpunk was ok, persona 4 was good but it is an old game

  3. Acid Wizard, the Developers of Darkwood uploaded there game on Torrent sites so that people who cant afford it now can play and in future if they wanted to Support the developers they may buy from Steam or GOG or Humble.
    This decision was taken due to fraudulent sites claiming to give games key and prevent users to get any mailicious files with the games.
    They just wanted the players to get the game if they wanted , without infecting their PC or getting defrauded

  4. I just brought for RE2 and Darq that where in your other vid and 2 indie games that I had in my wish list but good vid and was nice to see some i can keep an eye on for nest time.

  5. Haven't bought anything in this sale yet.
    I'll wait for the winter one.

    But Blair Witch is for free on Epic, the only horror game I would have considered buying! 🙂

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