内维尔·戈达德(Neville Goddard)的单节表演-60秒内加速您的真实感!

加入我们的网站http://ManifestingMasteryCourse.com。今天的内维尔·戈亚德(Neville Godard)报价:第二次世界大战后,我仅凭单程票就和妻子和女儿一起去了巴巴多斯。 四个月后,我决定安排回程,因为我计划在五月的第一天讲课。 当时只有两艘船为几十个岛屿提供服务,尽管我的兄弟在这些岛屿中拥有强大的力量,但他无能为力,无法使我们返回美国。 数百人在名单上等待,我被告知直到9月底我才能通过。 当我听到这个消息时,我对自己说:好吧,我出去。” “那天下午我去了酒店房间,坐在安乐椅上,我让它变成了一条小船。 (您看到的是,在那些日子里,没有深水港,只有几只小船将我们带到停在一英里左右的海湾中的船上。)假设我的椅子是一艘船,将我带到了港口,我感觉到了水,当我们被困在大船上时,我让我的父亲Victor带我的小女儿登上了船。 然后,我帮助了我的妻子并跟着她,感觉到踏板的每一步。 当我登上最高峰时,我的思绪徘徊了,于是我将其带回台阶的底部,并重复了动作。” “每次我的思绪徘徊时,我都会将它带回去,直到到达山顶,转过身来,握住船的侧面,使我怀旧地回望巴巴多斯岛,因为现在我们正在航行。 过了一会儿,电话响了,经纪人告诉我,由于他们刚从美国收到取消订单,所以我的通行证仍然有效,我可以离开我刚才设想的日期4月底。 那天,我的兄弟把我的女儿抬到了木板上,我的my子跟随了我,然后是我的妻子,最后是我自己。 他们采取了行动,但行动的源头是我的想象中的行动!” –内维尔·戈达德(Neville Goddard)资料来源:http://nevillegoddardquotes.com/allowed-become-little-boat-neville-goddard-actually-used-feel-real/ #Neville_Goddard #Feel_It_Real #Mr_Twenty_Twenty今天加入我们http://ManifestingMasteryCourse.com使这成为您的全部生活方式! 在此处查看成百上千的成功案例:https://freeneville.com/category/success-stories/感受真正的乐趣是每天的视频节目,旨在使感受成为您的日常生活。 该节目的直播时间为澳大利亚时间墨尔本冬季上午8:00,澳大利亚时间夏季墨尔本上午10:00,工作日为:https://www.facebook.com/eaglevision加入我们的脸书组:https:// www。 facebook.com/groups/441173229336895/在此处关注我们:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/freeneville在以下网址获取免费的7天展示课程:http://EasyManifestingMethods.com如果您想获得像我们这样的结果做-加入我们的“掌握精通”计划:http://ManifestingMasteryCourse.com订阅我们的免费VIP 221礼品和美食通讯,以获取独家赠品,网址为http://FreeNeville.com。

  1. I knew we were going to vote this morning and at first dreaded the IMAGINED IDEA of standing on a long line. Being uncomfortable, having to pee, etc. "Damn," I told myself, already in a foul state. But then something interesting happened. It was a 'girls giggled' moment, if you like..I stopped. And went quiet. I imagined a totally joyful voting experience. No lines, friendly people, sunny weather, a short walk to the polling place. Comfort, delight, and being part of the process without the slightest hassle whatever…Did two sessions around THAT situation, and occupied that state instead. This morning, I walked over, with Ric biking ahead of me. Short walk to the old school house where we were registered to cast our votes. Greeted by almost no voters. (They had an earlier rush, and said they would have it again – we just walked in at 'the perfect time..and we surely did..) It took longer to sanitize my hands and get out my ID papers than anything else..No lines whatever. BTW the lady behind the table said, "Cindy, you can lean that chair over here, you won't need it in the voting booth, I think.." I had brought a folding metal chair along, just in case I needed to sit, while on line. Of course – THERE WAS NOW – NO LINE, and I got to laugh about it all the way home… as I carried the chair back to SkyCave..Well, THIS girl giggled, anyway..LOL

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