iPhone 12 Pro拆解-磁铁在哪里?

是时候拆解新的iPhone 12 Pro了! 在这里获取您的Ridge钱包:https://www.ridge.com/JERRYRIG,并使用代码“ JerryRig”可享受10%的订单优惠。 感谢您赞助此视频! 拆开新的iPhone总是很有趣。 借助新的iPhone 12 Pro的嵌入式设计。 这使得iPhone 12 pro的屏幕拆卸难度更大。 我认为,如果我有更多的热量和更坚固的吸盘,就可以避免完全撬开。 您如何看待新的iPhone 12 Pro设计? 苹果是否应该制作清晰版本的iPhone 12? 在这里获取我的拆解皮肤:https://www.dbrand.com/Teardown在此处查看iPhone 12耐久性测试:https://youtu.be/LP6ppSM3xq4 *关注我以获取更新!* Instagram:http://instagram.com / zacksjerryrig Facebook:http://on.fb.me/1U4bQqv Twitter:https://twitter.com/ZacksJerryRig大型工具套件:http://amzn.to/2DURcr7旅行工具套件:https://amzn.to / 30LKXOY Green Pry工具:http://amzn.to/1Tu57pI金属电话打开工具:http://amzn.to/1WdOFv0备用电话部件:https://www.fixez.com/?utm_source=JerryRigEverything&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign= JerryRigEverything我用来拍摄此视频的相机:http://amzn.to/2p7GtkX我用于此视频的镜头:http://amzn.to/1QOXDw2广角镜:http://amzn.to/2qiYM4u此Metabones适配器:http://amzn.to/2iZ67Ty这是我使用的无人机:https://click.dji.com/AI2tmSb0onM9XPVwb-Se0g发送给我的东西:在“关于页面”上查看我的邮政信箱:https ://www.youtube.com/user/JerryRigEverything/关于JerryRigEverything不承担任何责任由于此视频中包含的任何信息而造成的财产损失或伤害。 JerryRigEverything建议在使用电动工具,汽车升降机,举升工具,千斤顶支架,电气设备,钝器,化学药品,润滑剂,昂贵的电子产品或此视频中看到或暗示的任何其他工具或设备时的安全做法。 由于JerryRigEverything无法控制的因素,该视频中包含的任何信息均不构成对任何特定结果的任何明示或暗示的担保或保证。 因不当使用这些工具,设备或此视频中包含的信息而导致的任何伤害,损害或损失,由用户承担,而不是由JerryRigEverything承担。 仅在您可以对结果承担个人责任(无论好坏)后,方可尝试自行维修。 。

  1. @jerryrigeverything @theridge I tried to order from The Ridge with your code but the default international shipping is $20 express shipping. There are no other options.

  2. Good video, By the way; that is not a spider on the back of the dollar bill. It’s actually the masons paying homage to moloch the “owl” god. More like Satan or Lucifer if you ask me. Yahshua reigns forever and ever

  3. I highly recommend @ Alexier_techo07 on Instagram he's the best genuine and legit hacker ever he helped me with my iCloud and finally unlocked my iCloud ??

  4. The iPhone is low battery capacity, small screen size with ugly disturbing notch. You're buying it because of the hype. You're just paying for the brand name.

  5. Uhhh jerry hate to break it to you. but when you put a new screen onto a 12/12 pro, it figures out you tampered with it and won’t function properly. Genius for those buying a phone that’s marketed as “new” but is refurbished.

  6. Locking a screen to a motherboard so you can't replace the screen even with another original Apple one. Can it get any more nasty and evil than that?

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