磁带| 莎拉·库珀(Sarah Cooper):一切都很好| Netflix开个玩笑

在Netflix上观看完整草图,了解海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren)真正令人难以置信的客串。 莎拉·库珀(Sarah Cooper):一切都很好。 订阅:https://bit.ly/2Kncxw6关于Netflix是一个笑话:Netflix的官方集会站,喜剧系列,电影和所有有趣的事物-由世界上最先进的算法和沮丧而可爱的策展人精心策划,卡通马。 他们的不可能的友谊是我们的故事…关于Netflix:Netflix是全球领先的流媒体娱乐服务,在190多个国家/地区拥有超过1.95亿付费会员,他们收看各种类型和语言的电视剧,纪录片和故事片。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 与Netflix联系是一个笑话:访问Netflix网站:http://nflx.it/29BcWb5就像Netflix在FACEBOOK上是个笑话:https://bit.ly/2xD5zfu关注Netflix在TWITTER上是个笑话:https:// bit .ly / 2N6ENkx关注Netflix是INSTAGRAM上的一个笑话:https://bit.ly/2VTQcxu。

  1. So what you are saying is… I can get together a bunch of people and move our lips to someone else speaking, throwing a few small random edits here and there, and BOOM!! I GOT MYSELF A SHOW ON NETFLIX!!
    Nah, I don't wanna be ridicule…

  2. Honestly I bet in there not supposed to be laughing just mouthing but it’s just so stupid and a dumb conversation that they probably can’t help it it’s so stupid that they are cracking up but I bet they where supposed to remain in character

  3. I am the biggest anti-trump fanatic you'll ever know and even I have to say that this is absolutely retarded and shouldn't be a show. Makes me embarrassed to be a Democrat

  4. I wanted Trump to win because of the spotlight he placed where few moderns would on China not being so great, and critical theory.

    But, now I want him to win so these people exhaust their careers between themselves.

  5. So sad that women don’t realize their husbands talk like this with their buddies. And the guys that act like they don’t…LMAO

  6. An entire show based on lip syncing, on the topic of Trump as he’s likely about to be voted out. People find this stuff funny? 100% canceled before the first season ends. Like, guaranteed. Who is green-lighting this? It’s not even creative. And how many more late-night style politically targeting shows do we need?

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