
2018年的《战神》不仅是我们这一代人玩过的最好的游戏之一,还是索尼有史以来生产的最好的游戏之一,而且它为一个已经非常出色的系列产品奠定的未来令人兴奋。 索尼现在已经正式宣布了其续作《战神:仙境传说》(或称其最终名称)将于2021年发行,并且无数人对此感到不可思议。 当然,这也包括我们在内,并且像其他许多人一样,我们希望续集能够做到的一些事情将其提升到比其前任所碰到的更高的高度。 在此功能中,我们将讨论一些这样的事情。 。

  1. Want god of war ragnarok to be as lengthy as the previous one but with more bosses. I hope they don’t make the game convoluted. They can make ragnarok so much better. Freya, freyr, odin, Thor, himdal, more tyr lore, surter.

  2. In GOW Ymir is a primordial god and Gaia is one from the original series. Then you have Odin which is like Zeus. What is Norse mythology's equivalent to Titans?

  3. Are they going back to Greek mythology? They still have Nyx, Tartarus, Thantos (Already dead, but can death die?), Chaos and Chronos (not the one from GOW 3). These are the primordial gods.

  4. I think a cool plot point would be we fight thor somewhere in the beginning or mid point and he scars atreus in some way and he snaps wanting to kill thor odin and stuff like that then while he is in raged he kills kratos by accident and kratos like always has to find his way out of hell and find his son and stop him from the path of revenge while he does freya hunts him down this time with wings and hell he might have the whole valkyrie clan or whatever come after him mimir sacrifices himself atreus or loki starts ragnarok and brings giants back from the dead by pulling some strings kratos gets caught up in the fight and he tries to calm atreus down and then in the final boss they do a 2 v 2 against odin and thor

  5. He probably won’t get mjolnir until the end of the second game Thor is probably the end boss in the next game so Odin will be the third game end boss that you defeat with mjolnir leviathan axe and the blades.

  6. Some Nordic rune tattoos for Kratos would be cool, maybe even some Viking styles for his beard.

    Also leg armour….please…add…leg armour

  7. I thought the game was near perfection. The pacing was fantastic the weapons were an absolute blast. Not much I could complain about …. I thought the soundtrack was amazing ? o don’t care about the older games , they were awesome but it’s over now .

  8. I don't think putting in Mjolnir just for fan service will be satisfying, they have to find a good reason (Story and gameplay) to have Mjolnir as a weapon or they shouldn't put it in

  9. The game did lack a viriety of bosses so i would more vieritty yo also i think the next game should continue mayb with atreaus older? Idk

  10. More finishers and bosses…thats all I ask for. Keep everything the way it is. Give us more moves than 2018 god of war. I have a strong feeling that the blade of olympus is going to show up in this game. I don't know why.

  11. I high doubt God of war ragnoraok comes in 2021, that would mean the game only had just under 3 years to make & if cory Barlog had to cut things out in a 4 years of development then imagine 3 years, unless they plan to reuse assets like they did with spiderman miles morales. Then it makes sense it come out in 2021. I felt like they just announced it to keep people invested for the future of playstation.

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